The Revival Of Cursed Demon ~ Splinterlands | Social Media Challenge

in Splinterlandslast month

Hello, splinter-warriors. I hope you all are doing well today.



After much effort in the arena, I have once again risen to the Silver leagues! And thanks to that, my monsters have finally awoken to their full potential. Thanks to that, today, I will be showing you guys a battle that is worthy of sharing in this great community.

Without further ado, let's begin.

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Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 13 and there are 2 summoners to choose from: Death, and Dragon. I and the opposition chose Death since it has the best summoner that has efficient monsters in such low mana conditions.

Battle Rules:

  • Born Again- All monsters have the rebirth ability.


Battle Details

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Let's start from my side.

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in HP and magic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters). (level 5)

Tank: Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr).

Melee Attacker: Cursed Windeku(Ability: Thorns).

My strategy was to get my only monster with a self-heal ability to get buffed as much as possible. So, I kept Marksrat right in the tank's position and made sure that only Windeku would get the buffs. That way, Windeku would do damage twice, first: when its turn would arrive, and second: when he would be attacked physically.

My overall damage per round at first was 0. When my Marksrat would die, it would rise to 5 damage per round. Adding in the damage from the thorns ability, it comes to a total of 7 damage per round with a healing of 3.

Now for the opposition's turn.

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in HP and magic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters). (level 6)

Tank: Crypt Beetle(Ability: Shield).

Magic attacker: Life Sapper(Ability: Life Leech).

Melee attacker: Uraeus(Ability: Sneak, Poison).

His strategy was to absorb the frontal attack with a monster with a shield ability to minimize damage, then attack me with his tank and Life Sapper and steal an HP along with it. And finally, afflict poison status on the monsters in the back of my deck.

The overall damage per round is 6. Adding in the damage from the poison would be a total of 8 damage per round.

Major Events

Round 1

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According to my strategy, my Markstrat died and gave my Windeku the boost I wanted it to have.

Round 3

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Windeku gets afflicted with the poison status.

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His Uraeus dies for the first time but manages to eliminate the opponent's tank for the first time.

Round 5

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My Windeku died for the first and I honestly thought that it was up to me.

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Windeku cleanses itself from the poison and self-heals itself and gets taken out for a second time.

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His Uraeus died for a second time and could not inflict poison status.

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His Life Sapper steals an HP and somehow my tank survives the round.

Round 8

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From there, the ride was smooth since my tank had the higher speed and so it self healed itself and attacked his monster. That way, my tank was back to it's original HP and his troops were turned to dust.



Honestly, his strategy was far superior to mine and his monsters moved the way he wanted them to move as well. Somehow, thanks to the battle rules, my Windeku cleansed himself and didn't get afflicted a second time. This ensured the victory; if the poison from Uraeus was afflicted a second time, it would've been GG for me.

Battle Link

Battle Link



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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121