Added more SPS tokens to the stake in Splinterlands

in Splinterlands24 days ago

Splintershards or SPS token prices are quite low in the market. Currently its $0.011 and I think it's the lowest ever and I have not seen this price before. Is it going to be worth $0.01 soon I can't say because it is hard to predict how the market is going to behave. Sometimes it works the way we expect but this cannot be the same all the time and I am hoping that with sps the price does not fall much from here onwards. Although I am a buyer and I would prefer to have a lower price for the token so that I can buy it more and this way I should be able to accumulate a bigger chunk of tokens in my game account.


I am aware of the current price and the market momentum for SPS but still I am accumulating because I believe that this is an important token in the game ecosystem. I have seen that in the crypto market, something that does not look good at some point in time doesn't mean that the project is not strong enough. Recently splinterlands has completed six years which I think is a long time and we cannot ignore the existence of this game, and this is possible because the community is strong, and people are liking the game. I'm not sure about the reason why the SPS price is dropping but I believe that in the long run it is going to grow a lot and in fact, the primary possibility from the current rise is to go up and not down.

Added more SPS to Stake

I keep on buying SPS tokens from the market quite frequently and even I did buy some tokens from Leodex this Sunday. I also use the hive-engine market to buy SPS, but I like how leodex works and in future, I can surely use leodex when I want to buy SPS with layer 1 coins. I also bought some tokens from the hive-engine marketplace so as of now I have more than 900 SPS lying in my account which I have added to my balance. There is no point in keeping these tokens in liquid form because it does not generate any APR and also there is no benefit in the game re. Hope you know that SPS is the biggest contributor on the reward multiplier which means the more SPS power you have in the game will bring better in-game rewards for you because you are going to get a higher reward multiplier.


I have added this 942 SPS balance to my stake and I continue to do it till the time I do not reach my goal. My goal is to have 200K SPS this year and I do not know how many months it will take for me to be there. SPS is one of my biggest bets in the game and I'm still buying because I am hopeful that the token will recover when the market is in a better situation. The Bitcoin price is good but the altcoins have not shown a rally yet in the market which means it is spending and it might start anytime in the coming months.

SPS Holding

After this staking that I have done today, I now have over 167k sps balance in my game account. The current APR is more than 13% which is paid out in sps and voucher tokens. I have used a major chunk of voucher tokens to participate in the recent promotional sale which was for the Bitcoin halving. I hope that by mid of June month, I will be able to make it a 170k SPS balance. Once I achieve that then I will be left with a 30k balance to have, and it will make me have 200k sps in total.


This low price for the SPS token is helping me have more balance and I'm happy that I am about to unlock the 170K SPS milestone for me. If the price stays in the current range or drops further, then it is going to help me surely to reach my sps milestone earlier than I expected. Whatever SPSI earned through my holding game it's all here and it's because I believe in this token even now when it has dropped its value a lot. My thought process is simple this is the same token that I wanted to accumulate more when it was more expensive and now it is not expensive then I should not be missing the opportunity to grab it more. It is understandable that the game is going through some changes and because of that some players are not happy but it doesn't mean that the game is not going to grow a lot because some changes and innovation can surely drive the value towards the project.


Why I'm trying to document my sps journey and keep track of the progress. This post is not about the price analysis for SPS instead it's for me to track my SPS journey and how much time it has taken for me to have 200k sps. This is my long-term investment because this holding is helping me to get the higher reward multiplier and I want to achieve that. Earlier I wanted to have the twelve X reward multiplier for myself in Diamond League but now I want to grow it more so that I get a decent amount of multiplier in Champion League. Even if it is sufficient for champion 3 then also I am fine because it is not bad at all. It's not just me because I can see a lot of players accumulating sps in bigger quantities and they are doing it because they believe in the game and the entire ecosystem hence I expect a better future for sps and this low price is just a matter of time.

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Thank you

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How are you doing?
You have a nice stock of SPS.
Thank you for this informative article share in the community

SPS is undervalued and I am trying to get more on discount.

I am buying as many SPS as I can on Hive-engine market.

wow if u keep adding like that ull be 500k lol not 200k

500k is a big amount bro.. for now 200k is next.

come buy $champz with me. they have another promo

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