Dhampir Infiltrator introduction and strategy guide + SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

SYB_Background - Dhampir Infliltrator.png

This weeks is all about dragons again, so let's look at the utility of one of the new Reward cards.

Dhampir Inflitrator



I have to admit, I like to play stealth teams and mainly in bronze I saw only a few teams, which create defenses against it (though it is not a hard prepare for it). Partially this is the reason why it can be easier to fight bots...

So this card has for my strategies a lot of bonuses:

  • Cheap - only 4 mana
  • ability_sneak_small.png Stealth - only a few players/bots defend against it in bronze and silver leagues
  • ability_double-strike_Small.png Double strike - what is better then a stealth attack? Two stealth attacks :D

On higher levels:

LevelMajor Upgrade
4+1 extra melee damage
5ability_cripple_small.png Cripple with each successful attack!
8ability_affliction_small.png Affliction (has a 50% chance to work, but we do 2 attacks each round)

The down sides of this card is it's low melee damage, speed and health. So opportunity cards like Deeplurker can destroy this card before it's first turn.


So how can we improve this card with synergies?

DefenseCreature with Low HealthCreatures, which have a lower health, or equal health but are in front of the Dhampir Inquisitor will be targeted by opportunity attacks firsti.e. Low level Chaos Agent, Albatross or Hardy Fish...
DefenseCards with Protect ability_protect_small.pngThese card will add +2 shield to the Dhampir Infiltrator, providing an additional layer of defenseTruthspeaker, Venari Wavesmith, Queen Mycelia...
DefenseCards with Taunt ability_taunt_small.pngThese cards will attract damage away from all other creatures. Warning: To avoid blast attacks, don't put Dhampir Infiltrator next to the creature in the front or the creature with taunt!Mycelic Slipspawn, Shieldbearer, Wave Brood...
AttackCards with Inspire ability_inspire_small.pngThese cards increase the melee damage of all cards including Dhampir Infiltrator : 2*(1+1)=4 damage/round from a 4 mana card!Demented Shark and Silvershield Knight have this ability on level 1


Now let's look at which summoners could improve the skillset of Dhampir Infiltrator:

ImageNameAdvantage from using this Summoner
Drake of ArnakHelps with the defence site of the card, providing 1 shield
Daria DragonscaleHelps on the attack side - Gives +1 damage to the card, which can be improved even more with Inspire cards. This makes Dhampir infiltrator an extremely dangerous card. This summoner is on level 1 costs at around 1 DEC currently to rent
Archmage AriusThe same as Daria Dragonscale, but increases the stats for every damage type in the team, and thus is much more expensive to rent

Favorite rulesets
Armored UpGives that additional armor we were talking about
EqualizerImproves the health of the card immensely
Holy ProtectionGives again that additional protection against damage, also with its double strike it cancels out holy shield on an enemy and bring in a clean hit afterwards!
Little LeagueWith 4 mana and double strike it is a must have in these fights

Now lets check out a fight


  • 25 Mana
  • Water, Earth, Life, Death and Dragon allowed
  • Little League ruleset

As mentioned earlier, this card excels in little league fight. In the above example, it cuts through the back of the enemy line like through butter.
I added Time mage for her Slow ability. This was a great choice, as it prevented multiple cards on the enemy team to attack first!
I have hoped, that Celestial Harpy would protect me in the back while dodging attacks with it's flying ability, but luck was not on my side.
In the front I had a tank and a card with reach, which were both strengthened by my Summoner.

You can see the fight here:


And here is another fight, where we added Carnage Titan to the mix :

That's all for today. See you on the battlefield!

If you would like to start playing Splinterlands, then feel free to reach out to me here, or on the Splinterlands Discord channel:
When you decide to buy a Spellbook, then please consider using my referral code : arkasz
Let me know that you used it, and I will send you some DEC and delegate a few cards so you can start your journey ;)

This post was made for the weekly social challenge. Check it out here:


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IMPORTANT NOTE:  Splinterlands Battle Token (SBT) is not officially endorsed by SteemMonsters, Corps (Splinterlands).

I'm gonna have to give Dhampir Infiltrator a try, since I'm it in more and more lineups as time goes on. The extra attack is definitely appealing!


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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

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I'm learning more about Infiltrator with each article I'm reading today. Good read. Sharing this on https://twitter.com/PraetoriaDigest.

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

a good quality post with a silly spelling mistake at it's thumbnail 😉

Hey @mango-juice, thanks for the upvote. I know I run into the chance that I might loose it, but I would like to query why I did not receive a better curation and what could I do to improve my content. It is fun to create such blogposts, but the reward makes it easier to take out time for it from my everyday activities.

Just to clarify, I put quite a lot of time and thought in the content, which goes through the strengths, weaknesses of the card + offers even tactics to use it in fights with card synergies to look at. I also received some positive feedback on upvotes and comments. In my past experiences from the last 2 weeks with steemmonsters upvotes I was expecting a much higher reward (just by comparing it to), as that content was shorter and less detailed.

Can you please advice if this is a standard upvote for such content from now on, and how I could improve my content to receive better curation in the future? Is there maybe any guide on top of the description on how to create "quality" content?

PS: And thanks for noticing the typo in the thumbnail, I have updated it! :)

First of all, there is no Standard upvote in splinterlands curation.. it depends on many things like the word count (excluding header footer, and lore section) l, quality, uniqueness etc and also depends upon current ECR and curator’s judgement. For your post, I liked the markup decoration but you shared almost nothing about the actual gameplay.
Have a great day 👍

After using it for a while it has become my favorite for the Sneak combo with the +1 dragon summoner (I won't remember the name now lol).
Nice post.