Results: Venari Wavesmith delegation till the end of the season

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

As promised, I will share my season end win with one lucky person by delegating a Venari Wavesmith till the end of this season.

I'm sorry for the 2 day delay with the delegation, I had a few rough days. Now lets see who will be the lucky winner:


Congratulations @pansit card was delegated to you!

Enjoy the card till the end of this season! :)



Don't know where you rent/buy but Wavesmith actually sell at 7.30$ I was about to go sell my 30 cards at 10$ each when i saw your post... and lowest rental is at 0.83DEC/day.

Sorry, I just copied the text from an older giveaway. 2 weeks ago the prices were up to 10$. I deleted the incorrect part. Thanks for pointing it out.

Wow, thank you very much! I will put this into good use