# The start of the Rebellion! - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 37 Report Card

in Splinterlands6 months ago


Hi everyone!

So this is the season that ended about 13 days ago... which had the Rebellion card edition explode part way through. This is the season I was trying to figure out exactly how to play with Rebellion cards, and failing... and learning... and failing...

I've been super impressed with how they've designed the Rebellion cards so that they're not an instant "I win" situation. Power creep is often such an issue with these types of games. The company making the game has to make the latest card edition set appealing in order to sell their product to create capital to keep supporting the game.

So usually the latest edition ends up being a must-have to stay competitive... and so far with Rebellion, I'm not sure that's the case. Players can still be very competitive with none or minimal Rebellion cards.

I know this because I've constantly been beaten by accounts without Rebellion cards while I am using Rebellion cards... granted, I'm not operating in the top leagues at all... but even if you check out the Top Battles, you don't see too many Rebellion cards around.

So that's great! A game where the richest player wins everytime is not a fun game for anyone.
What it does mean though, is that me buying a full Rebellion set has not granted much, if any, progress in Modern or Wild.

Ever since Rebellion was released, I've been playing way more than usual, in order to learn what I can to progress in Modern. Ideally I'd like to get myself into similar leagues in Modern and Wild.

So what I've been doing is selling any spare Rebellion cards I had, and buying up the very Chaos Legion and Riftwatcher cards that have been beating me... so now I'm essentially trying to learn to play with 2.5 new sets. It's been a lot... but I'm slowly making progress.

I find the Rebellion cards a lot of fun... especially the summoners, but they often can be less competitive than Chaos Legion summoners purely because the benefit is only provided to one or two cards. Sometimes that's enough, but the other summoners usually provide a number of abilities to all cards. When you score that win though... so good!

Match Report


RankDiamond #321Silver #253
Rating3431 - Diamond I1709 - Silver I
Rating High35951709
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.80 (123/154)1.12 (124/111)
Longest Streak69

As you can see, my win rate in Wild was atrocious, as I've been trying to figure out these Rebellion cards.
Last season I played 86 games in Modern, so you can see I definitely spent more time on it. I managed to finally break out of Bronze, which was, honestly, just such a hard grind. It was just constant Quora and Djinn Oshannus spam which you don't really see much of in the higher leagues.

I'm hoping to break into Gold in Modern in this current season, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make it in time. Still, league jumping is a process over seasons/months, no days... so I need to be patient and keep at it.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard237
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold5

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions169101270🟡 10800
Alchemy Potions222106328🟡 16400
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS208.831272.845-⭐ 481.676
Merits1226688-🎀 1914
CHAOS Packs000🟡 0
Cards (Total)119123242-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
247🟣 0 + ⭐383.840

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 27200 CREDITS
⭐ 865.516 SPS

I ended the season with 67 EoS Loot Chests which is a massive haul for me and so really exciting to see 242 new cards overall. My reward collection still needs a lot of work, I'd really love to get Quora to Level 3 (3 more cards to go!) to get that Immunity. It's such a game changer.

For comparison:

For Season 36 my Total Ranked Earnings (58 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 19330 CREDITS
⭐ 769.783 SPS

For Season 35 my Total Ranked Earnings (38 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 15720 CREDITS
⭐ 625.972 SPS

For Season 34 my Total Ranked Earnings (57 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 37760 CREDITS
⭐ 1084.275 SPS

For Season 33 my Total Ranked Earnings (57 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 38520 CREDITS
⭐ 1143.457 SPS

For Season 32 my Total Ranked Earnings (70 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21900 CREDITS
⭐ 451.327 SPS

For Season 31 my Total Ranked Earnings (20 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 10130 CREDITS
⭐ 632.323 SPS

For Season 30 my Total Ranked Earnings (54 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 24060 CREDITS
⭐ 912.500 SPS

For Season 29 my Total Ranked Earnings (47 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 26540 CREDITS
⭐ 568.250 SPS

For Season 28 my Total Ranked Earnings (66 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 31480 CREDITS
⭐ 614.645 SPS

For Season 27 my Total Ranked Earnings (22 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 7260 CREDITS
⭐ 142.440 SPS

For Season 26 my Total Ranked Earnings (38 chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 23380 CREDITS
⭐ 647.618 SPS

For Season 25 my Total Ranked Earnings (41 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20310 CREDITS
⭐ 252.665 SPS

For Season 24 my Total Ranked Earnings (40 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21630 CREDITS
⭐ 263.416 SPS

For Season 23 my Total Ranked Earnings (43 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20070 CREDITS
⭐ 262.210 SPS

For Season 22 my Total Ranked Earnings (46 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 31020 CREDITS
⭐ 258.952 SPS

For Season 21 my Total Ranked Earnings (58 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 33970 CREDITS
⭐ 474.870 SPS

For Season 20 my Total Ranked Earnings (63 Loot Chests) were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 26430 CREDITS
⭐ 642.077 SPS

For Season 19 my Total Ranked Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 20460 CREDITS
⭐ 264.388 SPS

For Season 18 my Total Ranked Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 27280 CREDITS
⭐ 343.547 SPS

For Season 17 my Total Ranked Earnings were:
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 21830 CREDITS
⭐ 309.952 SPS

For Season 16 my Total Ranked Earnings were:
🟣 1490 DEC
🟡 25010 CREDITS
⭐ 417.904 SPS

For Season 15 my Total Ranked Earnings were:
🟣 815 DEC
🟡 36600 CREDITS
⭐ 331.589 SPS

For Season 14 my Total Ranked Earnings were:
🟣 1345 DEC
🟡 17850 CREDITS
⭐ 1550.681 SPS

For Season 13 my Total Ranked Earnings were:
🟣 380 DEC
🟡 10850 CREDITS
⭐ 557.586 SPS

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards3011.229
Ranked Rewards as above865.516
Brawl Rewards62.205
Land Rewards1262.395
Tower Defense104.465
Liquidity Rewards1579.645
License Stake Rewards955.934
NET SPS7841.389
+ Voucher Drops522.950 🎟️

As predicted, my SPS earnings have taken a huge dive because I took so much out of my Liquidity Pools to fund Rebellion.

On the other hand... it's very exciting to see "Land Rewards" in here with a 1262.395. I don't think it'll ever be that high again... but before Land 1.5 launched, I was getting 9.714 SPS for my land, and now I'm getting about 87.456 per day - so that's obviously a massive improvement.

Will that SPS, plus the Grain and Research be worth the reduction in DEC from rentals? It's hard to say, but this is obviously more fun...

I'm hoping to also start playing Tournaments (I haven't touched one since CL came out) once I work out how to play with all these new cards and become competitive.

Season 36 my Net SPS is 9657.743
Season 35 my Net SPS is 9336.764
Season 34 my Net SPS is 13413.875
Season 33 my Net SPS is 29556.874
Season 32 my Net SPS was ???
Season 31 my Net SPS was 10591.881
Season 30 my Net SPS was 12390.883
Season 29 my Net SPS was 12757.227
Season 28 my Net SPS was 13324.727
Season 27 my Net SPS was 14735.391
Season 26 my Net SPS was 18423.610
Season 25 my Net SPS was 15592.310
Season 24 my Net SPS was 9888.861
Season 23 my Net SPS was 11190.555
Season 22 my Net SPS was 11704.133
Season 21 my Net SPS was 14514.412
Season 20 my Net SPS was 16059.041
Season 19 my Net SPS was 17007.533
Season 18 my Net SPS was 32635.224
Season 17 my Net SPS was ???
Season 16 my Net SPS was 9157.288
Season 15 my Net SPS was 17757.516
Season 14 my Net SPS was 14016.525
Season 13 my Net SPS was 12265.515

Splinterlands is a huge amount of fun for me at the moment. It's overwhelming, for sure, and there's so much for me to learn, but I'm excited to continually push upwards in the leagues to see what rewards I can get. I hope the game is also really fun for you too!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


Interesting statistics. It's likely that liquidity pools generated more revenue in December than in-game rewards.

Yeah, I'm sure an absolute ton of DEC has been removed from liquidity pools to fund both Land 1.5 and Rebellion... so anyone with anything left in these pools (I think I've got a 3rd of what I had) is probably absolutely raking it in percentage-wise.

I struggled a bit last season too. I have only bought one new pack of cards so far. What is your favorite combo I might just buy the ones that are most effective at my level. I tried to do a last minute modern push into gold but keep losing this time.

Getting up to Silver 1 in Wild is pretty good!

My favourite combo is the Ravenhood Warden in the Death Splinter (Soulbound Reward card) with the Wailing Wraith (Rebellion card):


Put a tank in the front, then the Wailing Wraith in the 2nd spot and the Ravenhood Warden further along... the Wraith gets two attacks, one with it's armor (so +2 with the Protect ability of the Ravenhood Warden) and it's normal melee attack (which the Ravenhood Warden buffs with Inspire at level 5).

I love this combo!
Here is a battle with the Wraith in action :

The other card I think you should consider at some point is the Moxian Rebel:


It gives magic powers to any non-attack cards... so cards like Baakjira, Scavo Hireling, Pelacor Conjurer, etc all suddenly get magic attacks at any level.

Thanks for the tips, I like the look of both a death with reach and a neutral magic adjoining booster for non attackers, there now on my shopping list.

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How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?
You use a pumpkin patch.

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The rebellion card is a great initiative for the game and it boost the fun of the game also

I have heard from one of my friends that, it has become difficult to play against rebellion cards, it it? what's your experience?

I think there is maybe 4 or 5 Rebellion cards that it's hard to play against, but I think generally people can still do really well with their older Chaos Legion cards.

I play with a lot of Rebellion cards and I honestly lose more when I do.

It's time to rebel! End of 2023 and beginning of 2024 is also a great cycle ending and another starting, where in 2024, people somehow awakened are going to speed up their processes of evolution and rebellion could become even stronger!

I think Rebellion cards have brought more fun to Splinterlands
That’s so good to know!

The game is really getting interesting as day goes by and this cool to see

I have been following you for a long time and you work hard and you are rewarded well, we are seeing changes in the game now and we are seeing people's interest coming back. And in no time we will see more and more users as the prices go up.