Do Nothing! (with the SPS DAO, for now)

in Splinterlandslast year

Do Nothing!

There have been series of hyperactive proposals being evaluated by the Splinterlands community on a daily basis. I am mostly against this hyperactivity for reasons that we are not waiting long enough to see the result of one proposal on the economy before proposing another. This is especially true on the token economy.



Currently, there are two active proposal on the docket. One by Genepool regarding booking CL packs to rewarding ourselves. This one I feel rather irrelevant, and will have little to no impact one way or the other, so I have decided not to vote. This proposal will likely pass.

The second one; by the Splinterlands team, about sale of 'starter packages' by Dec/Dec-b, is something I am strongly against. I have discussed this earlier, and explained by NO vote publicly multiple times. My issue is this is we are clueless about what we are buying and therefore what we are passing the proposal for. We created something useless call DEC-B and now we are trying to find some use for it. Meantime, we are not letting people formally know what these 'starter packs' actually do, and how they should be valued.


Other ludicrous pre-proposals

There are two in the docket in this category. Pre-proposals can be found in multiple places, first using a tag #spsproposal anywhere on hive blockchain (for example PeakD).


They can also be found at Peakmonsters, showing a better voting related interface.


They can also be found at The interface is similar. Both Peakmonsters and Splex shows formal proposals and pre-proposals. Pre-proposals are supposed to gauge community interest ahead of proposal submission and to trigger discussion.


I am not sure, if the pre-proposal ended up being failed, does that actually go to the official proposal phase or not. Maybe @genepoolchlrn8r or @jarvie can help me with that fact.

The reason of my tongue 'n cheek sub-heading is because of the fact that one of the pre-proposal asks for 20M SPS check for a 'exchange listing deal' without any checks and balance. I don't want to talk too luch about it, because I certainly do not want to give it any publicity. The audacity of that thing blows my mind. Hopefully the community nukes it and it never sees the light of the day.


The Splinterlands


I am not sure, if the pre-proposal ended up being failed, does that actually go to the official proposal phase or not.

It's a costly 100K DEC if not.

Actually you will be surprised how many people are willing to spend that 100K DEC

Do you know how many General Sloans' you can buy with that? 😀

In fact I can. Just about 100.

Also 1 plot = 1 summoner; I am not sure how valid that concept is anymore

Also 1 plot = 1 summoner; I am not sure how valid that concept is anymore

I picked up on that from Aggy, and it's bloody annoying. I have got masses of summoners ready and he's deliberating on it now?

It’s very hard to make it work. Especially when considering a max card give you “better” things than a L-1 card. Considering how many plots there are in total, there isn’t that many summoners. Just consider me for example. I need to get 1115 max summoners! That’s impossible.

lets add a small preproposal fee.

100k for a formal proposal and a 10k fee for a preproposal.

There is a fee already for proposal. 100K DEC

here is a fee already for proposal. 100K DEC

The proposal to move the BUSD to DAI that is on splex. Did that guy have to pay 100k DEC or is that free?

To type and post asking for such a sum requires moxxi😂😂

Considering that botting goes against the possibilities of the attention economy potential of Splinterlands (which was laughed at during a TH... fine, turn down money like fools after laying off nearly half of the company), I voted 'NO' on the continued issuance of Chaos Legion packs. Removing this tradeable incentive from loot chests after April 1 seems like an opportunity for the secondary market to flourish. When the packs are gone, they should be gone for good.

Those who choose to use scripts to play this game are not making roaring endorsements of the game, it's a mining expedition and nothing more. SPS staking will do a lot of good to ensure that people who would have opted to use scripts can simply create a portfolio of players to help them earn SPS rewards instead. If they want larger rewards, they have to buy the SPS token and stake it.

Many proposed and passed solutions do not have time to breathe. We are bombarded with gimmickry, especially as it concerns DEC. The problem is that the player base is shrinking and the team and powerful 3rd parties are almost solely focused on gaining more share of customer and manipulate the price of DEC.

Common sense implementations like a functional responsive website that can be easily accessed after seeing an ad on a social media platform or using guilds as a method to help with new player retention are eschewed for a variety of gimmicks that didn't work. Instead, the mobile experience is awful and new players are alone. The base could have grown even with the decline in crypto prices, but here we are with more gimmicks than a Vince Russo production.