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RE: Episode 57: An Azircon Conversation

in Splinterlands11 months ago

I think I will put a few relevant links here:

These are well known posts, but still many haven’t read them. I think they are still relevant


Glad ya posted these - thanks. Great reads for perspective. Thank you again for the history lesson, Azircon!

I am surprised and sad to see that we have largely failed you at hive in terms of exposure. I will try and change that

Hey man - it's all good! We love the conversations this podcast has afforded us to have and the growth in exposure has been slow and steady. We'll continue to do our best to present meaningful conversations with inspiring folks and share their stories with the community, regardless of growth, but any additional eyes & ears are always welcome! That hopefully just means we'll have a bigger pool of great people to bring onto the show. Thank ya sir!

You are welcome. Hive is a strange and bizarre place and like real life it's not fair.