BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase: #310

in Splinterlandslast year
Authored by @zaku


Welcome to BDVoter Daily Showcase, BDVoter was started concerning BD users who did not get support even after writing well. Besides BDVoter gives support to foreign users too. BDVoter is a curation project on Hive Blockchain. BDVoter's mission is to promote uninspired but extraordinary content. Every day we do manual curation also besides that we are also supporting weekly @splinterlands challenges ( Art Challenge, Social Media Challenge & Share Battle Challenge). We only support original content here. We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice against plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here. We encourage everyone to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support and encouragement. If you enjoyed their work, give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello! and shower some love on their content.


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This is a new initiative by the bdvoter team to increase engagement between hive blockchain and Social media (Twitter). Every day we are going to share our Daily Showcase on Twitter and we are planning to giveaway 1 chaos legion booster pack to a lucky user every day. To participate in the giveaway you don't have to work hard, it's some easy steps to follow to participate in this giveaway.



1. Follow BDVoter & Splinterlands Twitter Profile. If you already followed, then skip this one.
2. Like & Retweet our latest Daily Showcase tweet.
3. Comment your Splinterlands Username on our latest Daily Showcase tweet.

That's it !! You just need to follow these simple 3 steps to participate in our giveaway. The giveaway winner will be announced before our next Daily Showcase post/tweet. So keep your eyes on our Twitter page. So, the earlier you participate the better chance you will have to win 1 chaos legion booster pack.


Battle Challenge: Born to die

Hey Firecaller, are you ready for this mission? Those words were repeated over and over again in Firecaller's mind as he watched his friend die before his eyes, his anguish at seeing his own fate made him think that he was not ready to die for others. That is what they were trained for, to become sacrifices when necessary, they could never live a life of their own and it was all due to their power, one that they cursed with all their the end they called him martyr.



A warm welcome to my battle challenge with the theme card ⚔️SPIRIT HOARDER⚔️ of the Neutral Splinter. This week we've been given a card known to be a blight in the Splinterlands, a wicked monster whom they wished never passed though that portal opened as a result of the chaos legion invasion. But before I introduce you to this monster, there's few more days left, so if you want to take part in the Splinterlands' weekly battle challenge, simply go to 👉SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! SPIRIT HOARDER to read up the rules of challenge and subscribe for future battle announcement.


Swamp Spitter the Repair Savior

what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I am sharing my battle out of the Spirit Hoarder theme for the battle challenge but i am sharing of one of my great battle with Swamp Spitter.sorry if my write is not good but hoping you can enjoy some of my content.


Los alquileres de temporada ya están en línea - ¿Cuáles son las nuevas posibilidades?

With the arrival of the creation of the DECKS by the hand of "Peakmonsters", the team of "Splinterlands" was not left behind and finally launched the famous "Seasonal Rentals", which make life easier for many new and experienced players, since there are some users who simply can not be aware of their daily rentals, but, that the current market forced them to be practically day after day pending to change the price if they wanted to have a competitive and higher price, There are some users who simply can not be aware of their rentals daily, but the current market forced them to be practically day after day pending to change the price if they wanted to have a competitive and higher price, but, is it really healthy to be in this all day?


Strategy Corner - New great combo Spirit Hoarder and Iziar + surprise :)

Spirit hoarder was one of the most important monster in our previous Strategy Corner about Grund, you can check it here. Today I would like to present quite similar tactics, but this time with the help of the new soulbound card Iziar which can by used with life splinter.



Legendary card could be somewhat an intimidating card in the first sight. Some of them started with better parameter, but most of them started with more abilities than most cards. But the most intimidating aspect would be the high price needed to attain these cards.

All images and quoted texts are the copyright of their respective authors. For better Post Preview Please use PEAKD frontend.


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @bdvoter.cur ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

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Check out our last posts:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the February PUM Winners
Feedback from the March Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - February 2023 Winners List
The Hive Gamification Proposal
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

count me in

To participate in our giveaway contest you need to ❤️Like,🔁Retweet & 🗨️Comment your ign on our daily showcase tweet. Also, you must follow our Twitter account (which is a one-time thing) Best of luck

thank you @bdvoter.cur ! of course, i do that every single day and am hoping i can be a lucky winner of the CL pack. Have been doing religiously everyday, fingers crossed!