Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis | Splinterlands Art Contest Week 293

in Splinterlandslast month

It's the Splinterlands Art Contest Week 293 and for this event I am proposing a digital art for the Daarg Deadblast using an AI metamorphosis from the base Lore image. Basically through the process we will see how the chosen character is enriched using own vision of prompts. On top of that we will allow AI to blast its creativity by increasing these levels step by step to see from where I have started and where I ended up. For this purpose I will be using Leonardo AI which "hereby assigns to you all its right, title and interest in and to Output image" based on the Terms of Service. So let's proceed with the creative process and see the Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis.

Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis.jpg

Daarg Deadblast character

As per the Splinterlands Lore, the Daarg Deadblast fought his way up the ranks of the Drybone Anarchists to become the chief advisor to their Sultan, Eternan Brune. His cunning, relentlessness, and predatory instincts make him both highly valued and highly suspect by even the Sultan himself.

Under the governance of the Chaos Empire, Daarg finds both opportunities and risks, and he subtly navigates them to further his own ambitions.

Part of the Rebellion series, the Daarg Deadblast is a Legendary Water unit.

Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis process

Input the base image of the Daarg Deadblast character into the AI tool and add a prompt for it based on how I envision it: "mad dog animal, full body, commander, ripple tattoo, vivid colors, hands, wolf gang, magic, high res".
Chose an art style for the game character: Concept Art.
Input different Creativity Levels for the AI and see how it metamorphosis from one step to the other.

Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis with 50% creativity


Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis with 60% creativity


Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis with 70% creativity


Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis with 80% creativity


I've chosen the best Daarg Deadblast metamorphosis with the best creative output in my opinion and presented it in an Upscale form in the beginning of the post. I hope you liked the creative process even if it was assisted by AI and see how the Daarg Deadblast can take another shape as I envision it. Cheers and see you on the next Splinterlands Art Contest where I will propose another metamorphosis.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Even though it was generated,the semblance is uncanny

The process itself it is pretty nice and to tell you the truth I spent about 1 hour to match the style, creativity level and keywords to have an outcome that I like. Even if I changed a single letter or word, changed in any way the base image or even moved it... that would translate into a different image and character posture. Pretty awesome imo.

Exactly any change to the wording actually alters the image, it's why one needs to be creative to generate images.

The Leonardo AI seem to be a very fantastic one
I like that!

While it does a lot of the work, it is still a creative process and that's what I like about it.

I had to collect and level up my Daarg warrior.
It is a serious asset to consider when building a team effective with magic element.

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Projects like this are very beautiful, very good, people are more interested in the project, this entry is very beautiful, we pray that you win it.