Splinterlands: A Game of Strategy, Investment, and Community - 6 Years and Counting

in Splinterlands2 months ago

See how time passes so fast, we don't even realize it. Now look, it has been 6 years since this Splinterlands itself and this work is not time, the future of the project depends on the time that the project runs. Splinterlands has provided a lot over the years. 6 years is not a short time and we all have been well aware of how this game is going earlier it was limited only to the hive people, now we are very popular game in crypto and many people are also investing in the game. Have been here and are giving a lot of their time to make the game more popular. Splinterlands I have not played since the initial days but I have been playing my game for almost last 4 years.

sl 6 year.jpg

I have not invested that much here but still from time to time I do cards here but I keep investing so much. No, but still according to me there is enough here. I had stopped playing this game for some time and perhaps this was my biggest mistake. I thought that perhaps I could generate good income (passive) by renting cards, but this is what I say and which I have rectified and I am sharing with you. I have started playing the game regularly again. Yes, there have been a lot of changes in the last few months due to which there have been a lot of changes in the rewards, but still, this game is worth investing and playing.


See, if regular updates keep coming in any game, then people also get very excited and in doing so, this game has been very successful and perhaps the reason why this game has been able to survive for so many years is that there is no secret about the game. I came to know from one of the Discord servers that people there used to talk a lot about this game and despite not wanting, I started getting interested in the game and I also started playing these games. It was very difficult in the beginning. Many people have helped me and I thank them wholeheartedly. Many people had given me card delegation but at that time I did not have much idea about cards so perhaps their delegation remained a waste gradually many people helped me who helped me a lot in playing the new game and I received a lot of guidance which led me to where I am today.

I will not say that I have come a long way, I am still learning, maybe it will never end because many of the players I know are amazing here, regular updates here and are so good at the game that what is it? Let me tell you, I also keep trying to prepare new strategies and try to bin the bottles, but it is not possible to do this every time, but whenever my strategy works, I feel very happy. Although there are so many options available in this game that you can earn even without playing and without giving your time, but if you play here regularly then you get to learn a lot of new things and try new strategies. You get to see new cards and you also get to see not-so-strategic ones. Many people generate passive income by renting from their cards but I think that it will not be beneficial for us in the long term because I am leaving this game behind and just income is not enough.


Yes, everyone don't have time. If you do not want to play games, you can give your account to some known players whom you trust and the benefits of this are that your account will continue to run and you will also keep getting rewards. I will suggest that you keep collecting some cards from time to time and then try new strategies with them. They are good and we must invest, so you must invest in the game in any of its other forms. I think SPS is a good one. There is a way where you can invest in which you have benefits investing, firstly you can earn good APR by staking and secondly, if you do regular battles then your battle-based rewards also increase.

Although there are many things through which you can generate an income here, the battle is the best and is my favourite too. I enjoy fighting a lot. Yes, it is as much as possible all the time, but whenever a battle is won. If someone does, his happiness is on a different level. Many times playing games also removes our frustration and if you can play strategy games then your brain also becomes a little sharper, you do have to use your brain to make strategies and what is very important is that Splinterlands game is very much It is going well and its future is also very good because regular updates are wanted and due to which people stay here and from time to time it keeps bringing something new which makes people invest in this game and where the game gets better. This is a very positive point because people trust this game and invest a lot here.


If you have still not invested in this game or you have not started yet then start this game today because good time never comes, we have to prepare it for ourselves. Congratulations to the Team Splinterlands and community on completing 6 years.


Call this an Action:

If you are not playing the Splinterlands and Golem Overlord games then feel free to join my referral 😁

My splinterlands referral
My Golem Overlord referral
My HoloZing Referral
My kryptogamers Referral


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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!giphy thank you so much

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

!giphy thank you so much


I mainly feel that there's no fun in just investing and not playing, but there are people who have thousands of dollars in the game and they also just enjoy earning through SPS. Confirm playing for 4 years.

everyone has there own ways to play and earn. There are a lot of opportunities here on the game., it all depends how you what to want to do it.

thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts have a great day and week ahead.

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!giphy thank you so much