Weekly Battle Challenge: Enhancing Your Splinterlands Experience

in Splinterlands22 days ago

So how are you Sprinterlands players, I hope you are having a good week and season, mine is going well at the moment and I am having a lot of fun, I hope you are also having fun if you are not enjoying If so, then perhaps you should learn a little more about this game. Yes, it becomes a little difficult to win the game every time, but if you are continuously losing the game, then I would suggest that you take a break for a short time and then start after some time, it helps a lot. This thing works for me, whenever I beat myself, after that when I take a short break, things become much easier.



If you have still not participated in the Weekly Battle Challenge, then you can join the contact from the link given here. There is still a lot of time left, I hope by then you will win the battle of some rule set related to the Weekly Battle theme. It doesn't matter if you win or not, you can share your battery and your strategy too. See, it is not necessary that whenever you are playing, you should win it, it is important that you have fun, and that is what matters in playing the game.

Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

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RULESET: Holy Protection


All units gain the Divine Shield ability which reduces the damage of the first attack received to 0.


I did get two more rulesets rather than, Holy Protection. The two more rulesets were. Back to Basics ( Units lose all abilities.) and Odd Ones Out (Only units with odd mana costs may be used.) The battle mana was 34 and the rulesets were not that much great. But still, I did manage to make a team as per my set of cards.

So, my life up was :


I did used ,Kelya Frendul summoner which seems to be quite used in the low mana battle if the opponent is not using any magic cards then it's good. I was lucky that my opponent was not using more magic cards, still there were a lot. The Kelya Frendul summoner gives +1 speed and +1 shield to all the cards.

1. Pelacor Bandit-

The first card on the lineup was Pelacor Bandit, I think I have used that card by mistake in the first place not why I have used that card in the first place. The cards stats were not that much great but the cards does have two amazing abilities which were sneak (Targets the last Unit on the enemy Team instead of the first Unit.) and flying (Has a 25% bonus chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Units who do not have the flying ability.)
The card's stats are 4 speed, 1 melee attack and 3 health. They did manage to take some decent amount of damage and did protect the back line for a while.

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2. Tide Biter-

The second card on the lineup was Tide Biter, the card does have a special ability which is reach (Melee attack Units with Reach may attack from the second position. ). This ability is very handy if you do have a tank in the first place then this ability can be very helpful to clear the first card of the opponent. The stats of the cards were not that great 4 speed, 1 melee attack and 4 health

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3. Cruel Sethropod-

The third card on my lineup was Cruel Sethropod, I should have used this card in the first place but sure why I have not done that. The card didn't have any ability the stats of the cards are decent the opponent is using melee cards then this card can be useful to be used in the first place. The stats of the cards are 2 speed, 2 melee attacks, 4 health and 3 shields. The card did take some damage and saved the back line for a while.

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4. Captain's Ghost-

The fourth card on the lineup was Captain's Ghost, who did have a special ability which was Affliction (When this unit hits a target, it has a 50% chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed.). The ability was very helpful in the battle, The stats of the cards were decent 2 speed, 2 magic attacks and 7 health. This card did helped a lot to save the rest of the line and this card did mange to do that.

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5. Nerissa Tridawn-

The fifth card on the lineup was Nerissa Tridawn, This card didn't have any abilities but still this card is worth using in the battle. The stats of the card are decent which is 2 speed, 3 magic attacks and 9 health. The card is good to use in the battles and try to keep this card in the middle you can use it in the last position if the opponent doesn't have any sneak cards.

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6. Venari Wavesmith-

The last on the lineup was Venari Wavesmith, The card does have a ability which is Protect (All friendly units gain +2 Armor.). but it was not useful because of the Back to Basics ruleset but still, this card was useful and handy. The stats of the card were 2 speed, 1 magic attack and 4 health. The card did helped a lot to clear all the card in the first place.

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Although it was a great battle but still there should be a man of the match which is none other than Nerissa Tridawn. what do you think ?


battle link


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

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Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

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!giphy thank you so much


Good win. Playing magic cards in a Ruleset where are cards are back to basic is really good, and your opponent didn't do that well. You did better

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!giphy thank you so much



!giphy thank you so much


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

!giphy thank you so much



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