First Splinterlands post on hive🤑🤑

in Splinterlands2 years ago


First Splinterlands post and I am really excited to share because it has been all fun and games. Started playing early this month after I bought my spell book and I haven't had enough time to invest properly into the game. Had to go to NYSC camp, a compulsory part of the youth service and yes I have more time on my hands now so Ekule which in English means "greetings to those in the house ". I will be sharing one of my first battles and infact one of my most interesting battles because I had to work with mana😪 as low as 13😪 and I did manage to win.

My Line up;
First :Screenshot_20211219-221022.png
The Antoid Platoon with shield ability and Reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks

Second: An all time favorite, the Serpentine Spy

With shield opportunity and may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health.

And lastly the third; The goblin fireball with it's ability to attack from a distance


With this line up I seriously wasn't expecting to win especially with my enemies first card "the Cursed Windeku😱" which when hit with a Melee attack, does damage back to the attacker, an ability I never knew existed until I met this particular opponent.
Well I do hope Sharing this has been of help, below is also the Image of the formation as well as the YouTube link to the video which I hope you enjoy and learn from.


I will definitely be sharing more battles as time progresses while we have as much fun together.🤑🤑😱😱


Hello, @biem! This is @anggreklestari from @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive Blockchain! Congratulations and welcome! However, it would be awesome if you do an introduction post. As a sample of what an intro post is, you can refer to this intro post for reference:

Keeping Up With the Buzz - My Introduction to the Hive Community

There's no specific format on how you do your intro post, but there is some suggested content that we would love to see in your post. Information like who are you and where you're from, how did you discover Hive or who invited you, what types of content you want to see here and the types that you want to produce, and what are your expectations in this platform. There's no pressure on this. You can choose whatever information you would like to share.

You can tag me @anggreklestari on your intro post then if you have done with it.

Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions. For now, @lovesniper will follow you and we are looking forward to your intro post!

@anggreklestari I did create an introductory Post and also tagged you but I am yet to get a reply.

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

I often play with the fire elemental team in the arena.