Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! First impressions in Splinterlands

in Splinterlands2 years ago


I've recently been curious to test Splinterlands (mostly with a cardgame) so let's start with the basics, of course.
The first idea that you have of the main menu, are the buttons to “find” match, very easy to notice, they are in the center where they should be. The more specific menus are in the upper left corner, while in the upper right corner there is the list of languages.


We have in English, and some languages from countries aimed at the international market of NFTs, what makes me a little sad is that there is not an option for “Portuguese”, as Brazil is the 3rd country with the most active users of NFTs according to data. surveys in 2022.

A very important thing about the menu is that its rating is well exposed, not needing a specific profile, this makes the player easier to access this information without going through other menus and buttons.
Another hit, is a timer in the middle of the screen counting the time of the seasons, again, avoiding making the player waste time looking on some website, or having to mark the season's dates. A mistake already made by previous games.
As I lack understanding of the game to continue going deeper into the main menu, let's go to the tutorial.


A very important thing about the menu is that its rating is well exposed, not needing a specific profile, this makes the player easier to access this information without going through other menus and buttons.
Another hit, is a timer in the middle of the screen counting the time of the seasons, again, avoiding making the player waste time looking on some website, or having to mark the season's dates. A mistake already made by previous games.
As I lack understanding of the game to continue going deeper into the main menu, let's go to the tutorial.


We have a brief explanation about a timer, which limits how much you can check the information, but the timer is locked by the tutorial, so it focuses on information about your opponent, such as what elements he used in the last fight, the “ power” of him and his Rank.
After that, a brief explanation is given of what each of the icons means, the first being the flag in this case, the rules of combat, which I don't quite understand how it will work, but it is said that it will use the default rules.
The second icon is a white number in a blue sphere, which is the limit amount of Mana that can be spent during combat.
Finally, they show the elements that I am able to select to build my team, each with different colored icons.
Finishing that, let's go to the screen to choose a team:


The first time I'm played on this screen, I see a lot of information played, but the game helps you by pointing to choose an option for this tutorial, in this case the Pyre Summoner, of the Fire element.
With the Summoner chosen, only the cards of his element are filtered, so I can assemble my composition without having to look for the cards among various elements.
Then begins an explanation of how the "functions" of the creatures work, it seems to me that there are three, the first to be explained is the Tank function, which by the explanation, seems to be the creatures that will be on the front line, receiving the damage , so the tutorial asked me to filter creatures for melee damage.
Afterwards, the other functions were explained, and how the damage and combat types work, but I won't go into too much depth here, maybe in the future.
After choosing the group of five creatures and the summoner, he signaled to start the battle.


We head to the battlefield, where the opponent's chosen creatures and mine appear, and then the status of each creature and the summoners. The battle takes place automatically, so all I have to do is click for it to start and wait for it to end.
The first thing that happens in the battle, apparently, is that the Summoner applies his buffs or activates his abilities, and then the creatures start to battle, starting with the one with the highest speed first.
Combat went on for a few more moments, although I didn't understand the more advanced concepts of the game, he explained well how combat and cards work, initially at least, and then I was thrown into the results of the battle.


Well, in theory the combats are quite interesting, there are a lot of unique mechanics in the units, which makes it really an NFT game that is fun to play.
Anyway, I hope to continue playing in the future, and see how most of the cards work now, in the future I intend to bring my first cards bought.

For play Splinterlands games join this link: https://steemmonsters.com?ref=bipl


Seja. Bem-vindo a comunidade do Splinterlands, você pode entrar em nossa comunidade brasileira HiveBR e nosso Discord onde podem te auxiliar melhor.

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