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RE: Buy the Dip?

in Splinterlands3 months ago

I think it's going to be some time before we recover from this dip. Maybe 2 weeks when the burning event happens or maybe a few months when land 1.6 or whatever finally gets released.

I like many are getting pretty tired of this company and I hate to say that. But we got land 1.5 and then nothing... What was said would be a quick roll out into land 2.0 has now taken over over 3 months going on 4 like wtf.

There's still MASSIVE over inflation of cards and everything else that simply needs to be comped away at and that's not going to happen over night.


The Rebellion cards been holding up very well resource to its initial rollout. This is a good sign even if cards are oversupply the values have been holding up. Legacy sets on the other hand seem to be free fall. I try to think I am buying low and one day sell high.