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RE: Splinterlands Diary: DEC or SPS?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

totes crashed... lol... ok not that dramatic... i guess us small fry were hoping that we could use the SPS to buy the packs... but since you needed to have the points (is SPS really) in order to have the points to use the SPS to buy the packs... it has worked out a bit pointless. At least i now have an extra 200 SPS to keep till we do an axie and end up with SPS worth $170/SP (I wish) lol. Might buy some more of both while cheep. (watch the price rise before i can)


Agreed. We should buy more while the prices are still cheap since both DEC and SPS could go up at any given moment.

well i got a few yesterday :-) not many but something