Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - Healed Out

in Splinterlands24 days ago



Hello! This post is for the entry of Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. For this week, we have Healed Out as the featured ruleset. This post features a battle with a unique strategy.


Healed Out

  • All healing abilities are removed.
  • This applies to summoners as well.
  • Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage.

I think Healed out generally impacts Water, Earth and Life monsters because it has a lot of tank heal and triage monsters, but other types do have heal monsters. However, Life Leech and Repair can give units more health or heal their armor.



Battle Info

Rank: Wild Novice
Avaliable Type: Fire, Water, Earth
Mana: 27
Healed Out: All healing abilities are removed.
Lost Magic: Magic units may not be used in battle.

The ruleset does not allow magic monsters and also heal abilities are removed from the battle. There is 3 elements available, and it really seems to favor more powerful monsters than healing lineups.


My Lineup

Summoner: Kelya Frendul. Kelya gives +1 speed and +1 armor to all units. Both buffs are really useful in non-magic battles. Speed enables monsters to be more faster and more chance to evade attacks, and armor can soak some damage. For this battle, the strategy is aimed at speed, so the +1 speed is really useful.

First position: Coeurl Lurker. The mana limit allows a high mana cost unit, that could be followed by some small units. It has taunt so it is going to evade or soak attacks from enemy monsters, while getting buffs from the backside. With a total of 3+ more speed difference from the enemy monsters, it has at least 50% evade chance with every attack.

Second position: Tide Biter. For the second position, I put Tide Biter. It has reach so it could attack from the second position. It also has high speed and when Coeurl Lurker is not lucky and gets hit by attacks, it also has a high speed difference.

Third position: Creeping Ooze. Nothing to much to say here, because it is for the speed debuff on the enemy units so that the tank monsters can have more chance to miss attacks.

Fourth position: Igor Darkspear. For 2 mana I could've found more better opinion for attacking monsters, but I went with Igor Darkspear. It has high speed and health for 2 mana, as well as 1 ranged attack.

Fifth position: Halfling Alchemist. I went with Halfling Alchemist at the fifth position. Its stats are really low but the Halving ability for 2 mana is really strong in my opinion.

Last position: Clockwork Aide. Lastly, I went for another speed buff for our team. Clockwork Aide gives +1 speed to all friendly monsters and it also has high armor which works in no magic ruleset.


Battle Link: HERE


Round 1

The enemy monsters were revealed and they went for melee attackers with Tarsa. It seems to be normal since magic is not allowed and Tarsa could give a huge buff when used properly. They also had weapons training monster which is Ferexian Hero with Idyll Fire. However, they had low speed which was around 1 to 2 after debuff

Round 1 started and I hit their Taunt monster Idyll Fire but it wasn't strong enough to take it out Meanwhile, my strategy worked and Coeurl lurker only took 1 hit.


Round 2

With the high speed our team was able to take down enemy Idyll Fire. I was able to reduce Ferexian Hero's attack, and the enemy team also had a bad luck targeting my team.


Round 3

My team was able to attack Ferexian Hero but it was only 1 hit away from being taken out. Meanwhile, the enemy team was finally able to land their blows, leaving Coerul Lurker at 1 health. Serpentine Spy, despite having 1 health and reduced melee attack, was able to take down my Coerul Lurcker.


Round 4

Ferexian Hero was finally taken out, and also Scorch Fiend after that. Serpentine Spy, despite having 1 health and reduced melee attack, was able to take down my Coerul Lurcker. However, the mix of Opportunity and Sneak attacks did not do anything useful.


Round 5, 6, 7

Tide Biter took down Serpentine Spy, Battering Ram was also taken down by our ranged attackers, they only had Uraeus left, which was taken down at R7.


Thoughts about this battle

Overall, the RNG was on my side, and by being able to miss the first few rounds of the game resulted in a lucky victory. I had around 90% win rate, so if I had a bad luck on my side or they somehow had units with True Strike, I would've been in a big trouble.


Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice