Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - Heavy Hitters

in Splinterlands25 days ago



Hello! This post is for the entry of Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. For this week, we have Heavy Hitters as the featured ruleset. This post features a battle from a tournament that is really restricting the cards by the mana limit.


Heavy Hitters

  • All units gain the Knock Out ability.
  • Be sure to include a unit with Stun in your lineup to trigger the knock out.

Heavy Hitters give all units Knock Out. Knock Out only allows double damage if a unit is stunned, meaning that if you do not have unit with Stun in your lineup, it is useless. By adding a unit with Stun, you would be able to use this ruleset more better.



Battle Info

Rank: Novice Modern
Avaliable Type: Fire, Water, Life, Dragon
Mana: 17
Odd Ones Out: Only units with odd mana costs may be used.
Corrosive Fog: When this ruleset is in play, all Units take 1 armor damage and lose 1 maximum armor each round.
Heavy Hitters: All units gain the Knock Out ability.

The rulesets are not really interesting if you see it once, but Odds Ones Out restricts half of the cards available, including the 0 cost fiends. The other rulesets are not really impactful, as giving away 1 armor is not really important, and with the small mana limit, in general you would not want to waste it in cards with Stun.


My Lineup

Summoner: Tarsa. For the Summoner, I picked Tarsa, because with the +1 melee attack combined with Sneak attackers, it would make a good combo.

First position: Radiated Scorcher. It is just a 1 mana cost card, but with the buff from Tarsa, it definitely would be a better card.

Second position: Chaos Agent. Another 1 mana cost card, but with no attack. However that would still be better than not having a filter card.

Third position: Tenyii Striker. Then, I went for a strong Sneak attacker with decent health stat. For 5 mana, combined with Tarsa's buff, it would make a stronger Sneak attacker and also a nice tank.

Fourth position: Gobalnao Soldier. It is just same as Uraeus, except that it has Ambush there which means it can attack at Round 0. It does not have any armor so Uraeus was put at the back.

Fifth position: Uraeus. Lastly, Uraeus was put at the back, so it could soak some Sneak attack, if the enemy put a unit with Melee Sneak attack. Meanwhile, it also has Sneak on its own.


Battle Link: HERE


Round 1

The enemy monsters were revealed and they went for Life Summoner that allows a Gladiator in battle and also giving +1 armor. That went for Captain Katie at the back, which is a strong Gladiator card in general. However, against a series of Sneak monsters, it would be a tough battle for both.

At Ambush, Captain Katie's armor prevented the attack. At Round 1, Captain Katie took down Chaos Agent, and got the Bloodlust triggered which enabled them to get another armor since it guarantees +1 in ALL stats. The armor prevented another attack, but was not able to prevent Tenyii Striker's 3 melee attack.


Round 2

Round 2 started and all unit's max armor was reduced by 1. I believed that it meant Captain Katie would not get additional armor through Bloodlust, but I was able to find out that in fact, it indeed got the armor! To make matters worse, Uraeus missed the attack with only 2 speed difference, still leaving Captain Katie at 3 health. But, enemy Gargoya Scrapper was also taken down.


Round 3

At round 3, even with Captain Katie's 5 magic attack, I was able to win, since Tenyii Striker still has 7 health so it can not be taken down this round, and there is only a small chance to miss the attacks. The game was over at this point.


Thoughts about this battle

The opponent went for a pretty good strategy by placing a gladiator card, but I was not expecting that. Luckily, I was able to take down Captain Katie faster by a series of Sneak attackers buffed by Tarsa.



Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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All images are used from Splinterland.


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121