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RE: SplinterLands Investing, Battling and Earning - 12 Beginner's Tips

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Tip # 8 - Use Rental APR to figure out if renting is worth it over buying.

This is the best tip that I will take away from this super helpful post. I never thought to look at it this way and will start changing the way I look at rentals.

I also think the best advice for any new players is just to be a little patient. Lots of them expect to jump right in and earn like the veterans that have played this since the onset. I am fairly new having only played for around 5 months, but playing and watching battles is the best way to get better. And once you have played enough, you will realise that the cards that make up the $10k deck don't matter as much as there is almost always a counter for it, maybe except Llama-Kron combo.....


I rent most all my legendaries, including kron, and battle with commons, rares and epic cards!

Thank you for commenting your favorite tip, this is valuable to me! @ecosaint