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RE: T50 and Time to Land

in Splinterlands10 months ago

Congrats mate! I know we crossed paths several times as I was climbing into Champs early season.

I actually use the BH when playing Modern sometimes as I honestly have been out of touch with all the cards since I started using AM. People might hate on it, but it really is an amazing tool to teach you how to play again. If you never use the BH before, it spits out 5 team selections that you can choose from or if you are like me, you mix and match. Some of the selection doesn't always make sense, but that's up to the user to figure it out.

I am actually enjoying playing manually with or without the BH and I forgot how stimulating it is, especially when you win of course! :D The only issue I have is that I only have time in the evening to play, and that means playing for over an hour straight, which is tiring especially after working and having a drink.... :)