Pulled Gold Foil Grum Flameblade on Airdrop!

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Tusk Reaper Gaming!

Tusk Reaper Gaming - Splinterlands - NFT GAMING - PLAY TO EARN

I had purchased 503 packs and qualified for the airdrops and I pulled a Gold Foil Grum Flameblade! OMG! what the luck..!

I have only been playing the game for a couple of months and have not been able to do a whole lot.
So all i have been doing is to battle in the bronze leagues. So this Grum Card hit me with an additional 12,500 CP! I am now qualified CP wise to play in Silver III !

If you would like to view the video on 3Speak.TV:

Grum Flameblade.jpg

Splinterlands IGN: @bonereaper

Referral Link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=bonereaper
Copy of Tusk baner 1(2).png


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