My First Splinterlands Experience

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

The idea of divulging into whatever it may be due to the fun, experience and gains can actually make me do alot.
I definitely have no problem learning, the willingness is always there and I'd be ready to take the bull by the horn.

Yesterday I saw different posts in Splinterlands community and it was sounding so interesting, what harm would it be to gain experience and get into the Splinterland community. I actually don't know what I'm doing but that doesn't mean I wouldn't get into it. There's always a first time to anything, so this must be my first time.


I recall the last post I read was from @josediccus. It sounded interesting and fun. I tried watching a video he posted also but it wasn't working on my device or I simply didn't know how to get it to work.

I wasted no time to get to the Google play store, immediately downloaded Splinterlands.
Yeah so I'm in, wait, is it an online game?
No idea, I on data without asking any questions.

Tadaa, it was loading. Don't forget I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

Damn the intro was one of a kind. I was been told welcome and I'm a first timer (absolutely, I know I'm new).
If I can recall vividly, I was given 25 mana, no idea also.

During all this, I still have no idea what I'm doing. My interest was to see what interest others.
I chose my characters, then seeing surrender and attack. I engaged attack and in less than no time I lost the first match.

I decided to play another, I chose three characters rather than 6 characters I chose the first time, guess what?
Yeah, you are right. I lost immediately after clicking attack.

I expected the characters fighting like mortal Kombat but I have no idea, so it's time to learn from the pros.


Splinterlands can be exciting at first but one needs to be totally courageous to actually continue playing, it takes wit, patience, Understanding and time

Damn, I need to get my game face on all the time.

Patience, understanding and time, I'd keep that.

Just dedicate more time to it and you will see the result, Keep learning and sooner than later you will realize you can not put it down. It is a awesome game.

I've been spurred to knowledge, thanks for the heads up.

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