Trading My Way To Silver II

in Splinterlands2 years ago

I was recently playing in Silver II league and enjoying good battles and one extra chest daily. To get there I used the renting strategy but to rent thousands of collection power got a little too much for my DEC budget. I'm still eager to get back up so today I'm going to share some of my thoughts about increasing collection power through trading cards.

trading myself (1).png

Things to consider

  • Rarity of a card
  • Card set
  • Golden cards add more CP
  • Price
  • Future value
  • Am I actually using the card in battles?

Golden Trade

At the moment my Collection Power is 32,020 and I'm still missing 7,980 from unlocking my way to Silver II. So no more renting, this time I'm gonna trade my way back up there. Here's the first one I made to achieve that goal:



Deep Lurker is a really fine melee monster with a powerful attack, good amount of health and also speed. Opportunity ability is making him extra dangerous to monsters with low health.
Unfortunately, this great beauty has just been lying at the bottom of my collection. I'm quite fixated to my water magic and there just wasn't a place for him in the team. Sold.



Venari Seedsmith is an earth splinters ranged monster with a cool Scavenger ability. Not one of my most used monster but neither was Deep Lurker. Also, being a rare golden monster he adds a nice 500 collection power.



Gargoya Devil is another rare golden monster who could battle in the front line but is unfortunately lacking some health. Nevertheless, a pretty decent middle spot monster who gets some extra credit for belonging to Neutral splinter. This one was also purchased as collection power in mind.
Here's the breakdown of the whole trade:


MonsterRarityPricePowerCard set
Deep Lurker - SELLCommon+ 3.70 $- 125Chaos
Venari Seedsmith - BUYRare- 1.97 $+ 500Reward
Gargoya Devil - BUYRare- 2.00 $+ 500Reward
Total- 0.27 $+ 875

So I traded a common golden monster for two rare golden monsters. I was mainly after collection power and managed to add 875 power with having to pay only 0.27$ extra.

In the future it will be interesting to follow the price development of these cards. As for for now, I feel pretty comfortable with this trade. Main thing is I got what I was looking for and that is collection power. On with the next on:

Legendary Trade

Next scheme I tried to pull was to to sell a Light Elemental card and buy two Legendary cards.


Light Elemental is an Epic card from the Life splinter. Relatively cheap mana cost, +2 magic attack and a Flying ability.
I made a promise to myself not to sell Untamed(or older) cards, yet here we are! Light Elemental wasn't just gathering dust but was one of my most used life cards. So why sell it?
I guess the biggest reason was the value which was 7.60$ at the time. After done some calculations I figured out that I would be getting two Legendary monsters at that price... It was just too tempting.


Zyvax Vuul did not only add 500 CP to my total power but has proven to be a valuable asset which I use with almost every high mana Dragon battles.
I position Zyvax next to last back-line monster so it has enough time to Recharge and do that 3x damage. He also has Flying ability so he could work well as a last-line monster and most definitely a choice in the Earthquake ruleset.


The second Legendary monster I bought, Iza The Fanged, lacks some attack power but has one of my favorite abilities - Scavenger. She can really be a game changer when put to the right spot.
So, let's take a look how I did with this one:

MonsterRarityPricePowerCard set
Light Elemental - SELLEpic+ 7.60 $- 200Untamed
Zyvax Vuul - BUYLegendary- 3.18 $+ 500Chaos
Iza The Fanged - BUYLegendary- 3.77 $+ 500Chaos
Total+ 0.65 $+ 800

I'm very happy with this one. Two legendary monsters, +800 power and even 0.65$ profit!

Note that for JUST to gain collection power, I would probably be buying gold rare Chaos Legion cards since their CP value is the same as legendaries. However, there's always a little investor in me and I also want to keep my deck as competitive as possible.

I'd also like to hear your thoughts about these trades! 😊 Was it worth it? Did I make a huge mistake? what has been your best trade?


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Thanks for reading!


Nice trades. I've been selling some cards too and trading them for other cards or keeping them as DEC to increase my CP. The Zyvax Vuul card looks like a good buy. I think I'll try him out one of these days.


Thanks. Had CP on my mind when buying Zyvax Vuul but it has become my a really good backline card when I'm playing with Dragon and Kitty is healing the front

yea renting is not profitable for people renting, especially when the dec pool is now so low!

I see, does the pool get filled after the season though?

The DEC Pool fluctuates depending on a few variables. One major thing that affects supply is the price of DEC. If the price of DEC goes up, the pool is increased, if it goes down the pool is decreased. So, we're getting less DEC now in ranked battles because the price of DEC is lower than before.

I see, I've actually noticed a difference between how we are paid at the beginning of each season.

I think those are some decent trades and it makes me wonder if I should be selling some of my untamed cards to get more collection power.

Of course their value might rise but it depends a lot from the next edition and if there's gonna be a card with similar stats, so I think the value of some Untamed may even decrease

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Interesting strategy here. I'm curious to see how that will work out in the time to come. But for now you did an awesome job at getting the collection power you're seeking for.

I was thinking about to check back at those cards I've sold once I make it to the Silver 2 and maybe do a buyback if the price has decreased.


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