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RE: Introduction and Questions About Hive

Hi dear we can help you ! We will delegate. I will leave you with my welcome message and when you come to the terminal we can help with the rc problem and answers to questions you have. We all been there , just a few of us help 😉 I just saw your new message here on hive ! So I came by to say : Welcome I wish you good luck with hive blogging and I Will See you around🍀 Your passions and thoughts put into writing and a hive blog is great and fun. Also niches or new ideas are appreciated and if you have questions let us on hive know. There are many hivers that will help if you ask in comments or in discord!
There is so much so all topics will have a place here. The hivinguniverse is so diverse it’s suitable for all of us. See the list of all communities on hive in your front end drop down menu.
We (@ jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , ( when normal life doesn’t get in the way ) and There is a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and all the answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment.
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands but also many other hiver bees and have fun here!

And don’t be afraid to ask there is so much that the beginning can be daunting and scary.
But we are nice, complicated but nice.
Theterminal discord invite

There I also mobile app for blogging called Ecency Or join their lovely Ecency discord
Here is the “ steps to take blog” :
Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !

Or this blog



@misscryptoscribe just to let tou know...
Ecency is great frontend... You have different frontends for Hive BC.

Ecency, leofinance,, peakd and lot others with your proposal...

What do you mean?

Teaching her... I struggle a bit with the hive frontends at first...

You struggled aswell So don’t confuse with info , keep it small. Peakd or and combined with Ecency are enough.
Leo is for financial blogs did you see any of that in her intro here ? So … and voting nana back to 10 % ? Nahhhh in the beginning 80 is best . But you advice and help out your way. That’s great. If she joins us and needs it we will provide

Totally agree... I was carried on...
Didn't mean confuse! 😔 RC

No you are helping that’s cool. Lets wait what misscrypto needs. Keep helping and hive on

What a wonderful welcome. Thank you for your courtesy. I will see if I can get on Discord soon to join you. This community sounds very supportive.

Hello @brittandjosie ! I tried to join your Discord, but the invitation has expired. Would you mind sending it again please? I'm very sorry for the delay in coming to your discord, but I look forward to learning more from you and your server! Thank you!

Oh dear sorry about that ! But you are already in I saw the message so welcome let’s have fun

Yes thank you so much! It seems like a wonderful community!