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RE: Splinterlands Art Contest Week 264!

in Splinterlands8 months ago

Woow im honored, thank you so much!

Also gratulations to all other winners and honorable mentions.

Unfortunately, more and more people are using an AI for their fanart and not mentioning it in their posts. They even get a placement i this contest.
To the borrower, the image of an AI may look confusingly similar to that of an artist, but if you know something about art and how AI Image Generators work, it is easy to recognize it.
I think that's pretty unfair to the people who put in many hours of work!


Congratulations to you, friend :),

yes, I agree, why the picture made by Ai was able to enter the list of winners this time, and what's even more annoying is that no one realized it was a picture made by Ai and the creator made a sketch model first and admitted it was his work, even though it was made by Ai generator ..There are so many art fraudsters since the AI ​​generator. I support you voicing this complaint as a fellow artist who enjoys the process, friend :)

Let's be honest, it's hard to tell 100% that he used an AI, but I'm 99% sure that he does!

You can easily see it in the artifacts or mistakes that an AI leaves behind and that an artist as talented as he suggest to be never make. Also, as you say, the drawing process is just a joke.

This guy clearly understand something about art to made a skech model like this but at the same time is to lazy to make his own or has already entered the contest with other accounts and just wants to farm some upvotes.

Thank you for stepping out and confirming my suspicion 💪

Yes, but the problem now between pure artists and people who in quotation marks nail artists with Ai's help is really very gray, hopefully in this community, especially the @splinterlands contest, they will realize that they are being missed by Ai's work, whose efforts are even very minimal compared to real artists, very it's not fair in this contest

I feel really sad when i see stuffs like this i believe these contest is meant for artist to display there skill ans also have fun. Seeing AI generated image in this space is uncalled for, you can't draw you can as well join the social media Challenge and many others. He did not only winner the contest with an AI generated art he also has double account using the same method for Both account i hope something is done about this.

You are absolutely right.
It is important to bring this to the attention of others who do not make art themselves or do not recognize the use of AI Image Generators. I hope he gets blacklisted and we find out what his main account is so that he can be banned from competitions like this in the future!

I hope so too, i just hope the moderators notice it and do something about it immediatly

Apparently it will happen again this week, the contest moderators have not yet taken action.

Currently, the user has 3 accounts participating in this week, all 3 accounts were created around the same date a month ago. hopefully the splinterlands team will do something about it.