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RE: Is Splinterlands a Money Pit?

in Splinterlandslast month

There are so many tokens and assets now it looks a bit like smoke and mirrors. I thought there was a big push to bring DEC back up to peg, but now its SPS that is the main barometer of ecosystem health?

It's understandable that a game marketed as Play-To-Earn would end up with a player base keen on earning. It's a two-edged sword I suppose.


The biggest issue with brining DEC back to peg is there's nothing to stop it from going to the downside while the upside has pressure of SPS burn. But there's nothing to hold it at peg which I always thought was super weird why we try to peg it. Either peg it or don't lol

It's product-backed; so as long as there's demand for packs, and those packs can be bought for a certain number of DEC, that puts upward pressure on DEC. If it's selling at 75% of peg, then that's a 25% discount on packs bought with DEC.
The whole flywheel thing is super interesting. We just need a decent bull run to demonstrate what it's capable of.