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RE: Is Splinterlands a Money Pit?

in Splinterlands4 months ago

Code doesn't get unwritten but it does go out of date. I've seen Prospectors and other games fall by the wayside so to me its more about whether the development teams keep pace and can continually reinvigorate their product to maintain interest.

Deep down I have a lot of respect for Splinterlands and you have been consistently right about this space but I have been picking up some red flags lately. Maybe it's just the bad sentiment (which I see everywhere) seeping in.


Yes, it's easy to forget the ones that didn't make it. Prospectors seemed like a quality project too. I would've only lost pocket change there, so obviously not a sore point for me personally but it definitely looked like it had legs.
All we have is our best guess and our gut.
I'm an unrepentant ancap activist masquerading as an investor, so I don't really have that loss aversion voice in the back of my head.
As long as Splinterlands is the most potent mechanism (of which I'm aware) for restoring human freedom; I'll stay.