Splinterlands Rental Experiment Conclusion

in Splinterlands10 months ago

Last night the most recent Splinterlands Season finished up and since this is the first full season of my Splinterlands Experiment : Renting for Champion League I think I now have enough experience and results to be able to draw an informed conclusion about whether the experiment has been a success or not. I won’t drop a spoiler here in my intro though so you’ll have to wade through my methodology and commentary first….

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Over the course of the season I rented cards 4 separate times for 2 days each time and I attempted to correlate these rental sprints with the Brawls. My budget for each rental sprint was 2000 DEC and a couple of times I did overspend mainly due to errors I made missing critical cards, but overall I spent 8068 DEC which equates to about $6.11 USD of expense at current valuations. This amount was never going to break the bank but it sets a target for the rewards I earn to try and beat. The value of cards I was able to rent on that budget varied from $6,400 to $7,600 USD and didn’t vary too much over the course of the season.

Today I used the very helpful SplinterStats Report Card tool developed by @kiokizz to see what my rewards across the season were like. The SPS earned across Daily and Season Chests plus the Ranked Play Rewards amounted to 359.21 SPS, which at current valuations is worth about $6.10 USD so right there alone I’ve hit the break even target and I could stop writing there. However, it’s worth pointing out that there is some cream on top. I also picked up 215 Soulbound cards including 6 Legendaries, plus 110 Legendary Potions, 96 Alchemy Potions, 1628 Merits and 2 CHAOS Packs. Those CHAOS Packs are currently worth about $1.18 USD each so they are some nice liquid rewards too.

Thus, even without considering the Brawls the experiment has turned out to be profitable purely from the Ranked play and this is good to know that the rentals can support themselves independently from the Brawl rewards. Basically that means that anyone could do this themselves and make a few dollars renting and playing Ranked...plus it’s kind of fun…

As for the Brawls, I only played 3 of the 4 Brawls this season because I didn’t feel ready for the first one. Once I got going though I did OK. Across the 3 Brawls I played in Fray #12 I won 9 battles and lost 10 for a win rate of 47% which I was pretty pleased with. I hope that my Guild is happy because the last 2 Brawls we’ve taken out 2nd place at Tier 3 and since we only really started playing T3 a couple of months ago I think we are doing fairly well and improving quickly. So I put the Brawl competitiveness down as another successful element to this experiment and since that was the catalyst for me trying this whole thing in the first place I am quite happy about it.

But wait! There’s more! There were some cool Rewards from the Brawls too. I picked up a further 108.57 SPS from the 3 Brawls I played plus 11,150 Merits so there is a little bit more cream on top there. Again, it’s not a life changing amount by any means but it is a bit more confirmation that my rental strategy can comfortably yield a Nett Positive outcome. If there is a downside then to all this, it's the fact it takes a bit of work to manage the repeat rentals, tweak the bot config and play an extra Brawl account. I’ve been playing 3 accounts per Brawl of late and that’s probably not sustainable longer term, but for now I’m going to persist and see if I can keep a good thing going.

See you on the battlefield!


Wait.. so does that mean youre gonna stick to Fray 12 cos I can definitely say youre guild is very happy lol

Yes, for now you can lock me in on Fray 12 for another season. Probably the next 3-4 Brawls.

I'm expecting a big shift in the rental market when the land thing happens so will take it one season at a time.

Awesome! I'm sure you know we really need you at Fray 12 😅 But can totally understand that it needs to be profitable to do so. One season at a time sounds like a solid plan.

Land staking is a bittersweet event for me. On the plus side I could see my rentals pick up again, on the other this could affect the guild. We have two players who are renters and Im worried an increase in card rentals could see us losing 2 players.

rental prices are stupid low at the moment. New players could jump in and start making bank from the sounds of it. I wonder if there's any marketing push on that front?

You would have to back out the additional rental of SPS to get top earnings. Otherwise I dont think renting top level cards makes sense

This is a good point and an oversight on my behalf. I'm running this account on about 57K staked SPS. If I was paying 8% to rent that SPS for the season it would cost me another $3.40 (estimated). That brings it much closer to the break even point.

This I can help out with with SPS delegation think of it Guild perks

I also forgot about the SPS requirement. I guess is someone had a large account and wanted to subset a few accounts it from the sounds of it would make sense and profitable.

It's a whole market Supply & Demand situation.

Not requiring CP means that there are more cards than are currently needed.

This results in Supply > Demand.

However, initiatives, such as Land will sink some cards away from the Market.

The benefit is the pricing allows for everybody to access the game.
The downside is that Botters can maintain accounts for cheap. The upside for Botters is they accummulate rewards, such as Soulbound Cards, that may become lucrative in the future.

It is a tumultuous time. It is an exciting time.

botting is free anyway and you can pay with share of rewards

Excellent when a strategy pays off.

Beyond the financials, it is also a titilating experience just working through the strategies and evaluations.

Please stop by the Ecency curation Discord so that we can all express our thanks for all your help this month! 💕

Definitely. Thanks for having me!


Wow, You did the calculation and now seeing your calculation, I am thinking of doing the same. you can also post about your splinter land matches and also can earn from blogging. it will be a extra reward.

But its prices have dropped a lot and people are getting too worried and are even stopping playing it but I would like to say here that when they get the next land update we will see it get more interesting. It will happen and after a while when the whole market starts to go up, we will see the prices of all its things go up as well.

@tipu curate

cool name bruh

Sound little creapy but hopefully you will have get more good from it.keep going.
Wish you best of luck my friend 🙂💗

That's a lot of money
I never knew that people spend so much money on Splinterlands...
That's a lot
Keep it up!

To an extent, I believe the strategy will pay out

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