DRAKE OF ARNAK ( DRAGON SUMMONER) Splinterlands weekly battle challenge.

Hello splinterlands game player, have a nice day and start with a good things. Have you competed in this week's Dragon battle challenge? I'm competing in this week's Dragon Challenge. This is also the first time I have competed in the Weekly Challenge. Previously, other Myanmar players competed but I did not compete. Today I decided to compete in the Battle Challenge using Dragon Summoner.

Image Soure

Click on Rank Battle and search for Dragon Summoner, I will find only one Drake Of Arnak Summoner card. Drake Of Arnak's Armor +1 ability effectively destroys an enemy's defenses and damages their health.


After selecting SUMMONER, select Friends MONSTERS. Now I can use up to 99 MANA MANA for BATTLE, so I can choose my favorite MONSTER.


As a leading attacker selected MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN MONSTER. MANA Cost 9, MAGIC Attack 2, Attack speed 2, Health 10 and Earth Splinter. As an Ability, he have the Taunt ability to be targeted by enemy monsters. Health 10 is a strong monster. Friendly monsters will be able to attack the enemy freely while being attacked by enemy monsters.


  • Image by screenshoot *


The UNICORN MUSTANG Monster is used as the second attacker. MANA Cost 8, MELEE Attack 3, Speed ​​4, Health 10 and Earth Splinter. Ability uses VOID Ability. VOID Ability reduces attacks with Magic Attack of enemy monsters.


  • Image by screenshoot


The third position uses the VENART KNIFER as the attacking monster. MANA Cost 6, MELEE Attack 2, Speed ​​4 and Health 7. Ability is THORNS, which deals the enemy with a MELEE Attack.



Fourth place went to MONSTER REGAL PERYTOB with MANA 5, MAGIC Attack 1, Speed ​​5 and Health 6. Ability is Flying. Flying ability has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged arrack from Monster who do not have the flying ability.



In Position 5 & 6, he used two Fighter Monsters, TOWER GRIFFIN & XENITH MONK, to win the Dragon Challenge.



  • Image screenshoot.

Battle image and Battle Video


Go to my battle video

This is the first experience of Splinterlands Weekly Battle Challenge. Read more about the abilities of Monster Cards in the Splinterlands Game Guide line.


Malee တွေက Sneak , Snipe and Opportunity စတဲ့ Ability တွေ မပါရင် နောက်နေရာတွေကနေ မတိုက်နိုင်ဘူး။
ပထမနေရာ ရောက်မှသာ တိုက်နိုင်တော့တာ။
Magic က ဘယ်နေရာထားထား တိုက်နိုင်တယ်။
Range က ပထမနေရာဆို မတိုက်တော့ဘူး။



What did the Golden Gate bridge say to the Golden Gate river when they broke up?
I'm over you.

@callmemaungthan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @tin.aung.soe
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Woww. ဟုတ်ကဲ့ပါအကို ... နောင်ပွဲတွေ သတိထားပြီး ဆော့ရမယ် !PIZZA !LOLZ !LUV

What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

@tin.aung.soe, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @callmemaungthan
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/6)

မိုက်bro !LOL

ကျေးဇူးပါခင်ဗျာ !PIZZA !LOLZ

Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

@atgaday, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @callmemaungthan
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (5/6)

Knock knock...
ERROR: Joke failed.

@atgaday, You need more $LOLZ to use this command. The minimum requirement is 8.0 LOLZ.
You can get more $LOLZ on HE.

အကိုရေ သူ့ post အောက်မှာ သွားမန့်လိုက်အုံးနော်

ဟုတ်ကဲ့ပါအကို မန့်ပြီးပါပြီခင်ဗျာ !PIZZA !LOLZ

How many magicians does it take to pull a rabbit out of a hat?
One. It's a trick question.

@naythan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @callmemaungthan
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/6)


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
tin.aung.soe tipped callmemaungthan (x1)
@callmemaungthan(5/7) tipped @walarhein (x1)
callmemaungthan tipped tin.aung.soe (x1)
naythan tipped callmemaungthan (x1)
callmemaungthan tipped naythan (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Game ထဲ ဝဲလည်နေပြီပေါ့


If it wasn't for window blinds...
It'd be curtains for all us.

@callmemaungthan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @walarhein
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)

Game ကို ထဲထဲဝင်ဝင် သိနိုင်ဖို့ပဲ ကြိုးစားနေရတုန်းပါအကို !PIZZA !LOLZ

Do you know where you can get chicken broth in bulk?
The stock market.

@walarhein, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @callmemaungthan
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/6)

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Dragon summoner နဲ့ ရှယ်မိုက်နေတာပေါ့ !PIZZA !LOLZ

I've just written a song about a tortilla.
Well, it is more of a rap really.

@callmemaungthan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @junierisme
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)

@junierisme, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

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