BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! RULESET: Heavy Hitters

in Splinterlands27 days ago (edited)

My splinterlands battle post for the Battle Mage Secret Weekly Challenge.

Image by @splinterlands

Heavy Hitters is the ruleset for this week's Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. With this ruleset, all the units will get Knock Out ability which enables our monster to do double damage to stunned enemy monsters. So, using monsters with Stun ability will be highly efficient in the battle with Heavy Hitters ruleset.

Battle Challenge Rulset

Heavy Hitters

Ruleset: Aimless, Heavy Hitters, Tis but Scratches

  • Aimless: All monsters will get the Scattershot ability.
  • Heavy Hitters: All monsters will get the Knock Out ability.
  • Tis but Scratches: All Monsters will get the Criple ability.

Mana cap: 15
Splinters: Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death

My Strategy For The Battle

The total mana for the battle is only 15. Also, there are three rulesets for this battle such as Aimless, Heavy Hitters, and Tis but Scratches ruleset. So, I thought of using magic monsters in the battle and decided to go with a water splinter.

I plan to use Djinn Oshannus's magic monster in the first position because of its void and phase ability, which will help me against magic attacks. However Djinn Oshannus monster will cost 8 mana, so After that I can use very few low-mana monsters and I have to choose them carefully. I don't have Monster with Stun ability, hence unfortunately I can't use it. Let's see how the battle goes.


Alric Stormbringer (Water Summoner)
Alric Stormbringer is a rare water summoner, the best thing about this summoner is that it adds one extra magic attack to our friendly magic monsters. It helps a lot if we have magic monsters in the battle lineup. Here I used the level 4 gold card of this summoner.

1. Djinn Oshannus
I put Djinn Oshannus legendary magic monster in the first position, because of its good health. Here I used the Level 2 gold card of Djinn Oshannus monster. This monster costs 8 mana and its stats are much better. Also, it has Void and Phase abilities which help us against magic attacks.

2. Tide Biter
I put Tide Biter an epic water monster in the second position as it has good attack and speed. Also, this monster costs only 3 mana. This one is a melee monster, but it has Reach ability which helps it to attack from the second position as well. The Reflection Shied ability will protect him from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, and Return Fire damage. Hope this monster will help me in this battle with his strong melee attack in just 3 mana.

3. Creeping Ooze
Now, I have only one mana left. Hence I decided to choose the Creeping Ooze monster in the third position. This melee monster has low health and only one attack. But the best thing about this monster is its Slow ability which reduces the speed of enemy monsters by one.

4. Furious Chicken
After spending all my mana, I chose the Furious Chicken monster in the fourth position as it cost 0 mana. It will give little defense to my battle lineup from the back side. This one is a neutral monster and I found it highly useful in most of the battles.

Watch my battle replay here: Battle link

My opponents used Life splinters for this battle. The opponent's battle lineup looked stronger, but still, they did not have a good monster for the defense in the first position. However, my opponent has a stronger magic attack. While I used Water Splinter for this battle lineup. My Battle lineup contains only one stronger monster which is Djinn Oshannus monster and I used a few low mana monsters for little support to my battle lineup.

In the first round, My magic monster Djinn Oshannus got one extra magic attack because of the respective summoner. My opponent's monster got one armor because of their summoner. The opponent's monster speed is reduced by one because of my Creeping Ooze monster which has Slow ability. The opponent has used Aves Sturgis monster which helped its adjacent monster to get the same attack as it has because of its Weapon Training ability. My monster easily killed the opponent's first monster which has only one health. After that opponent's monster killed my last monster.

In the second round, the Opponent's next monster died soon. Then my first monster got little damage.

In the third round, My Djinn Oshannus monster killed the opponent's Aves Sturgis monster. My remaining monsters are still alive and doing great too. Now opponent has two monsters left alive while my three monsters are still alive.

In the fourth round, My monsters did a great amount of damage to the opponent's next magic monster. In the fifth round, the opponent's magic monster died and they had only one monster left alive. Now my victory is closer and it seems certain. Then the last monster died in the sixth round easily.

Finally, I won the battle... 💃

Thank you... For visiting my blog. Have a great day. ✌️

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  • Splinterland text divider is from @freeztag.
  • Screenshots are taken from Splinterlands.

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