Centauri Mage Earth Monster with My Dragon Splinter [for Share your Battle III]

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Welcome to my weekly Share your Battle Challenge hosted by the Splinterlands Team. This is my third entry for the competition, and each time I've observed that I always end up renting the theme cards for that week. We are free to use any card from our collection, but it's great for me to learn about new cards in splinterlands even if by using this challenge as an excuse.

Share, your, battle mage5.jpg

This week's theme challenge Monster is "Centauri Mage", an Earth Splinter with +1 Magic Attack, Speed of 3, and 7 whole Mana cost at Level 1. My points of analysis on this Monster in Battle are ;

 "Centauri Mage_lv1_gold.jpg"

- What Worked out in Battle

- My Impressions of Centauri Mage

- How often I would use this Monster | and Finally|

- My Conclusions

With all these points, I hope you can understand more about this unique monster and how much it can be utilized. Let's Begin

Please review my Shared Battle Below, The following analysis heavily depends on the process and outcomes in this battle.


What Worked out in Battle

In this Battle, My opponent was most likely to use either the Life or Fire team (Teams very likely to have Shields) as seen from his previous Battles. There were two ways for me to Counter him, (a) either by using the Earth Team with Summoner Wizard of Eastwood giving me -2 Shield or (b) by using a Magic Team (In Which case I would go directly for their Health ignoring any shields in place). Using the Earth team seemed like a good idea since Centauri Mage is an Earth Splinter, But I've not really had much confidence in my earth team until I can revamp it (which I'm currently in the process of) could I be sure of going against really strong teams like Life.

What I decided to do was to use the Dragon Splinter, I just recently got Djinn Chwala, so I was (a) excited to use him, and (b) Djinn Chwala has the Thorn Ability - that returns attacks from all melee monsters. Exactly what I needed from a tank, whether my opponent chose to use Fire or Life Splinter, Djinn Chwala proves to be very satisfactory.

Another tactic that worked in this battle is that my opponent was also likely to include a SNEAK monster that targets the last enemy monster, previously my team arrangement was to be; Djinn Chwala, Centauri Mage, Cocatrice, Creeping Ooze, and Goblin Thief. If I had gone with this placement, I could have lost Goblin thief early in the Game, so I switch it around and kept Centauri Mage last. Because of two reasons (1) With attacks coming in from any Sneak Monster, Starting with a shield, + 9 health, it could last for longer rounds. (2) With the Return Fire Ability, Centauri Mage would return reduced damage from Ranged monster back to the attacker. These tactics again worked splendidly.

My Impressions of Centauri Mage

Centauri seems like a very decent Monster, One thing I really appreciate is that I can have an edge whenever opponents use Ranged Monsters. The Magic attack seems low (Just 1), but when we combine it with the fact that Centauri has great health and can last a couple rounds, It goes without saying that (By Using Centauri Mage, I can kill my Opponents Attacker before it kills me). The more I think about it, the more I'm loving the idea of keeping Centauri Mage as the last member of my team in Battles. Many Ranged monsters target the last member of the team, placing Centauri mage there guarantees me 2 hits per round or thereabouts.

I don't see much to dislike about this monster, some people might complain about the mana but, I originally use the Dragon Splinter whenever I have a good mana count so I'm not really concerned. Currently, I'm still thinking of a way to bump up the Magic Attack (1) of Centauri, either by including a cheap summoner or Monster that gives + 1 Poof Attack(Magic)

How Often would I use this Monster?

Hmm, maybe anytime I use the Dragon Splinter? Except when I'm short on Mana and I still need to use Dragon. For me, it's a great combination with Djinn Chwala because I'm taking care of Melle and Ranged Monster in my Opponents team by returning their attacks every round. And they both have great health. If my Opponent doesn't use the Magic Team, then Using Centauri Mage in Dragon Splinter also saves its loss of health for one attack, by having the Shield in place.

My Conclusions

I've always been searching for more solid Monsters for my Earth team, the number of times I lose with the earth team in comparison with other Splinter is just(Mind Boggling). Centauri Mage might come in handy for assembling my Earth team of Monster that would have a fair fighting chance against other elements. I still need to put in more practice using it while also continuing my search for a cheap summoner/ monster that can improve its attack (to about +2 Magic). The way I see it that's the ONLY disadvantage this Monster has in standing as a full-on tank In my Earth team.

If you have any ideas on how I can Improve my Placements using Centauri Mage, don't hesitate to share with me.

Thanks for reading my Third Analysis on Share your Battle Challenge by Splinterlands [Second and First here and here]. If you like these posts or found them helpful, send me an upvote and share the love!