Open 5 Gladius Cases

in Splinterlands27 days ago

Hi friends,

The only highlight this time was pulling a Legendary Card, Sola Ranjell, who has Bloodlust and Heal abilities. But honestly, after looking into it, she’s not very practical in battles. Her attack power is too weak. If I want a Heal ability, there are plenty of Life Element cards that have it. I’d rather use Captain Katie on the battlefield because she can unexpectedly assassinate cards in the middle and get stronger over time.

Lately, I haven’t been getting good items from LOOT CHESTS. One reason is that I don’t have many GLINT POINTS. I heard that the better items are limited and most have already been pulled. Given that, it doesn’t seem worth it to keep participating in LOOT CHESTS, so I’ll just focus on playing the game seriously.

In my country, May and June are off-peak travel seasons because everyone is either working or in school. So, airlines and travel agencies often have promotional trips during this time. Should I take this opportunity to find a place to relax?


If you want to stay updated on future giveaways, be sure to follow me. Also, please be cautious of clicking on any links in the comments as they may be phishing links.


Thanks for reading my murmur, If you want to start playing below Games, please use my referral link, it may give you a better start and please follow me if you want to get updates of future planned giveaways.

Rising Star
King Of Duels
Big Dog Bone
Stardom Play
Drug Wars



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