Open 6 Gladius Cases

Hi friends,

This season is wrapping up, and for me, the big change has been the addition of four new GLINT REWARDS (COMMON DRAW, RARE DRAW, EPIC DRAW, and LEGENDARY DRAW). These rewards let us target the rarity level we want. For example, I'm all about summoners, so I've locked in on RARE DRAW. Some folks are after legendary cards, so they're hitting up LEGENDARY DRAW. It's a quick way to snag the cards we're after.

Luck's been on my side in the guild brawls lately, so I've racked up more Merits. That means more Gladius Cases to crack open. And hey, this time around, I hit the jackpot with the QUORA TOWERSHEAD that everyone's been gunning for. Lucky break! Any Gladius Card is crucial for me. Once you pair them with strong SOULBOUND summoners, they're absolute game-changers. Even though my Gladius Cards are still on the weaker side, I'm looking forward to leveling them up in the future to score more wins.

Lately, Splinterlands assets have been taking a nosedive, but I'm steering clear of buying in because things aren't looking too great overall. Sure, they keep dropping new card packs, but history shows it's all downhill. The more you buy, the deeper it goes. I've learned my lesson, so I'm just waiting it out for the bull market to roll in.


If you want to stay updated on future giveaways, be sure to follow me. Also, please be cautious of clicking on any links in the comments as they may be phishing links.


Thanks for reading my murmur, If you want to start playing below Games, please use my referral link, it may give you a better start and please follow me if you want to get updates of future planned giveaways.

Rising Star
King Of Duels
Big Dog Bone
Stardom Play
Drug Wars



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