Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - 6 Year Anniversary Celebration

Hi friends,

Wow, Splinterlands is already six years old, huh? It's actually the GameFi I've been into the longest. When I first jumped in, it was at its peak, you know? Bought a bunch of cards back then, but looking at them now, they're practically worthless. But hey, that's just how it goes, right? Anyway, let's dive into it.

*****Discovery of Splinterlands*****

2021 saw GameFi exploding, right? Axie Infinity was already out of my price range, so I skipped that. A friend got me into Alien Worlds, but it was kinda dull—just mining away. I'd heard about Splinterlands before, but it seemed complex, and everyone and their grandma was playing it. Plus, you needed to drop ten bucks on a spellbook just to get started, so I hesitated. But as GameFi kept blowing up, I did some digging and found Splinterlands to be more mature with better gameplay. Plus, the economic model seemed solid. So, I bit the bullet and shelled out the ten bucks to give it a shot.

Duration of Participation

I've been at it since 2021, so it's been almost three years now. I didn't really wanna sink too much time into Splinterlands, but if you don't put in the hours, you don't get the rewards, you know what I mean? That's the whole Play to Earn deal, right?

Time Spent in Splinterlands

I'd say I put in about two to three hours on average. If there's a tournament happening, I might spend more time, especially for Guild's Brawl to snag those Gladius cards. So, it's kinda hard to pin down exactly.


From being a total noob to making it to the Champion Leagues, it's been quite a ride. When I started, I barely had any cards, just scraping by with daily quest rewards or buying cheap ones from the market. Slowly but surely, I upgraded my cards, collected summoners, and leveled them up. It's been a real grind.

Upcoming Goals

I'm hoping to max out all my summoner cards and then level up my cards to the max. It's gonna be tough, mainly 'cause it'll cost a boatload of cash. For now, I might focus on maxing out my Soulbound summoners and cards and teaming them up with my Chaos Legion cards. If you've been following my posts, you'll know I prefer buying cards rather than renting, even though you can rent some powerful ones like Lux Vega, Byzantine Kitty, and Yodin Zaku for dirt cheap right now. But with $SPS and $DEC tanking, it's not the best time to buy cards unless I bring in some fresh funds from outside the Hive Blockchain.

Advice for Beginners

Here are a few pointers for newbies diving into Splinterlands:

  1. Start with cheaper summoner cards, whether for your own use or renting.
  2. If you're not sure about a card's abilities, rent it first to see if it suits your style. If it works out, then go ahead and buy it.
  3. Find a friendly guild and grow together to earn those Gladius Cases.

What I like about Splinterlands is that it's always updating and fixing bugs, and there are more and more ways to play, like with the land gameplay. The economic model is pretty solid too. Sure, there's been some controversy with bots and all, but overall, it's still a gem. Even though the player count has dropped a lot from its peak, those of us still here are pretty much die-hard fans.


If you want to stay updated on future giveaways, be sure to follow me. Also, please be cautious of clicking on any links in the comments as they may be phishing links.


Thanks for reading my murmur, If you want to start playing below Games, please use my referral link, it may give you a better start and please follow me if you want to get updates of future planned giveaways.

Rising Star
King Of Duels
Big Dog Bone
Stardom Play
Drug Wars


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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