Guess the Victor: A Spellbinding Showdown in Splinterlands!

Guess the Victor: A Spellbinding Showdown in Splinterlands!

Hello, @Splinterlands! We've got something special cooked up for you today. You know, in the land of cards, monsters, and fierce battles, every move counts, every strategy matters, and every twist can change the tide of the game. We let the viewers of @splinterlandstv guess who wins in this splinterlands match.

Alright, so there's this thing where people are making their guesses about who's the better choice between two characters, Obsidian and Chanseus. And let me tell you, the reasons they're giving are all over the place, and some of them are downright hilarious.

We've got this user, 000000000000_bigbarger, who's all about Obsidian because apparently Chanseus falls head over heels for her the moment he sees her. Talk about love at first sight, huh?

Then there's kyl3yup, who's team Obsidian, and get this, it might just be because they're rooting for garlic. Yeah, you heard that right, garlic.

And solving_chaos is all practical, picking Obsidian because it's like the budget-friendly choice in the world of summoning magic cards.

Kleophatrax is giving points to Chanseus just because the guy's handsome. I guess good looks go a long way.

GentlePusa is firmly on Team Obsidian, claiming it's all about that pure magic. Can't argue with someone who's got a thing for magic.

Now, 0000_sipgazda89_0000, they're keeping it simple and sweet, going with Obsidian because, well, she's just good. Can't argue with that logic, either.

And there's 0038_obifenom, who's sticking with Obsidian simply because they're a fan. Sometimes, that's all the reason you need.

Then we've got titiro17, and they're going with Obsidian because she hangs out with monsters. Now that's squad goals right there.

And who can ignore mobetare, who thinks Obsidian is the one because, apparently, the doctor is in the house. I guess having a medical professional on your team is a good idea.

Over in the "I just like magic" corner, we've got cscable, kyl3yup again, lokhrodan, mrbobhead88 for the third time, 1_WampisGaming_1 with a dose of humor, aThunderstruck who's all about magic tricks, and even XensationalLoL joining the magic-loving gang. Obsidian seems to have quite the magical appeal.

But wait, BunsBagsAndCaps just has one word for their choice: magic. Short and to the point, I guess.

And then there's bluepenguinfr, who's torn between Obsidian and Chanseus because, get this, Chanseus can't handle garlic. I guess even warriors can have allergies.

Now, kevino272 is keeping it simple, just saying Obsidian is "just that good." Can't argue with a good old "it's awesome."

Mondroid1337 thinks Obsidian's the one to root for because she's slinging magic like there's no tomorrow, and it's apparently going past Chanseus' armor. That's some serious magic power.

Lancerino2323 is going old-school, saying Obsidian is their pick because she's like the Green Power Ranger. Nostalgia points, anyone?

And then there's schumix05, who's all about Obsidian's magic. Simple and straightforward, I like it.

Oh, and let's not forget gijishoyo, who's leaning towards Chanseus because they've got a new toy effect going on. I guess the appeal of a shiny new character is hard to resist.

Ank12c, aironeous1, and caminomechilles are all aboard the Obsidian train, each with their own reasons, from magic to synergy to Queen Mycelia connections.

And just when you think we're done, mrbobhead88 pops up again with a different reason, saying Obsidian is spoiled. Now that's a new take.

Bluepenguinfr, not content with one mention, suggests that neither Obsidian nor Chanseus will come out on top. It's a draw, apparently.

And last but not least, SoulboundCardsAreNotFree, BruceGryllisGaming with some confusion, and iv4nov007 with a dash of Quora power, all going for Obsidian for their own quirky reasons.

Well, guess what? After all the banter and speculation, the Obsidian team emerged victorious in the end. And you wanna know why? It turns out their magical prowess was the game-changer. Those magic damage they were throwing around? They had the uncanny ability to bypass the opponents' armor like it was nothing.


watch the battle here:


(obsidian/chanseus) because: he lefts with at least one monster

000000000000_bigbarger: (obsidian) because: chanseus falls in love with her at first sight

kyl3yup: (obsidian/chanseus) because: obsidian cuz I'm rooting for garlic

solving_chaos: obsidian because: CL Rare Magic Summoner is very affordable!

Kleophatrax: Chanseus because: He is handsome

GentlePusa: (obsidian/chanseus) because: obsidian, pure magic

0000_sipgazda89_0000: obsidian because: is good

0038_obifenom: obsidian because: my fav
6-Month Subscriber (6-Month Badge)titiro17: Obsidian because: stays with at least one monster

mobetare: obsidian because: the doctor is in the house

00000000__pero82__AAA: (obsidian/chanseus) because: Obsidian its magic uuuuuu

bluepenguinfr: earth because chanseus is allergic to garlic

cscable: obsidian because: that is the summoner that I have

kyl3yup: obsidian because: I'm rooting for garlic

lokhrodan: obsidian because: i have no choice

mrbobhead88: obsidian because girls get whatever they want

1_WampisGaming_1: (obsidian) because: girls are always right.

aThunderstruck: Obsidian because: magic is the best and for my next trick I WILL NOW TRANSFORM THIS HUMAN INTO A CAT╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆ -> -> ->


bteim: obsidian because you can afford lots of other additional cards for the same price

bluepenguinfr: (obsidian/chanseus) because: chanseus is allergic to garlic

kevino272: obsidian because: it's just that good

Mondroid1337: obsidian because: she slings that magic and pew pew's past chanseus' armor

lancerino2323: (obsidian/chanseus) because: obsidian I love green power ranger

schumix05: Obsidian because: its magic

BunsBagsAndCaps: Keyword magic

gijishoyo: (chanseus) because: i just started trying him out recently. The new toy effect. He deadly too when he brings hammer down

ank12c: Obsidian because: its magic

BunsBagsAndCaps: Obsidian because: it’s magic

BunsBagsAndCaps: Obsidian because: its magic

aironeous1: chanseus because: You can get multiple martyrs

caminomechilles: Obsidian because: it is the best friend of queen mycelia, goblin psychich and unicorn mustang

mrbobhead88: obsisian because she is spoiled

00000_kitty_00: Obsidian because: its magic time a.

jhuleader: Obsidian because: its magic

00000000__pero82__AAA: Obsidian because: its magic time a.

SoulboundCardsAreNotFree: Obsidian because: she buffs Quora

BruceGryllisGaming: Obsidian because: I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore!

iv4nov007: Obsidian because: quora is OP with her

mrbobhead88: obsidian becuase she has someone with a machine gun

bluepenguinfr: (obsidian/chanseus) because: none will win, neither full green team, neither full gold team : so it's a draw

XensationalLoL: Obsidian because: its magic

gijishoyo: Chanceus because: synergy it adds to life splinter is magic

All shots are from my phone. I don't have a professional camera but I am saving up some money to buy one. The cover is made with


This blog is to make sure that I am #aliveandthriving. Being #alive is a huge blessing and I am happy to celebrate it every day!

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Hey! Roi here, your favorite garlic! I am a small Filipino streamer on twitch.

Recently I find myself enjoying blogging and curation. I hope you enjoy your read today. Your upvote is greatly appreciated.

Before you go I want to remind you that you are awesome! If you ever feel alone and you got no one to talk to message me in discord CmmndrBawang#5457.


Huge thanks and much love to the people who sponsor my stream and my peakd posts:

  • Rising Star: Rising Star is a game made for musicians and music lovers! Earn Starbits by completing standard missions and other tokens by completing special missions. @risingstargame @atomcollector

  • @stickupboys : A very amazing band! Follow them on Youtube and Spotify

  • Faded Monsuta : Introducing a wild and fantastical Trading Card Game concept, Faded Monsuta provides entertaining gameplay and strategies at the expense of its slew of paraphernalia pals.

  • @clove71 and @splinterlandshq for the early boost on my streaming and splinterlands career. You guys are forever tattooed on my heart.

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SplinterlandsClove71 Youtube Channel:

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I really loved your reaction when you read my comment! 🤣🤣😄😄😄

You probably one of the most or maybe the wittiest person in Splinterlands TV chat. untitled.gif

Haha thanks! You're definitely one of the most entertaining streamers always so much energy and fun stuff going on in your streams! 😄 helikopter helikopter!

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Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 3
Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 2