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RE: Splinterlands: Upgrading some of my CL cards

in Splinterlands3 months ago

I love going on a good upgrade spree! It feels good to unlock new abilities and stuff. Make sure to get another summoner to a higher level so you can use them, sounds like Death is a good one for you to try since you like Harklaw.


Not having that immunity ability is why I don't really like my Harklaw that much, but now it actually has it, I'm hoping I can do some other good upgrades as well as time goes on. It was fun doing those. I upgraded over 12 cards and two of my summoners too.

That’s awesome congrats man! Once you start to do those upgrades and get the benefits you get a taste for it lol. Good luck on keeping it going!

It costs a lot to do major upgrades, maybe I'll have the opportunity to do some other upgrades. When you begin these upgrades, this is when you realize you need more money