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RE: Why Splinterlands and Hive Are Proof of Blockchain Games Will Work

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Don’t watch many videos so I can’t comment on that but blockchain games are absolutely here to stay. It’s also great because in the nature of it, it’s a hell of a lot harder to hack the server to steal things due to the crypto nature of it all and people who run the games can give people (admins) a posting key instead of more access than needed. Players also use a posting key instead of an active key so that’s great as well.

I look forward to seeing the evolution and further expansion of the games on here. Some have been promising but stuck to Steem like roads of rich but that’s ok, their loss.


Yes some of the games are stuck and need more time to pick a blockchain to work with. But posting about them is so great. Look I get these rewards and for sure can buy that card or item I wanted. Might take a bit but items that cost a few dollars are just something to get easily.