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RE: Splinterlands Battle Recap with 2000 DEC Giveaway

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Interesting match here, I think it could've been modified a little bit. I don't know if I would have used the Earth untamed sneak attacker. One of my favorite cards on the untamed deck for Life has got to be the failed summoner. I often stick him in the middle to attract the snipers. Although my Earth Elemental isn't a high enough level to get to Heal, I try to stick my healers in the back to catch any of the sneakers. In the middle there, to use some extra points you have leftover given you didn't use the goblin, I would've removed the chariot and stuck in War Chaang. That card has some serious capability and the range is nice, combined with melee.

That of course, all knowing the results of the match. It's hard to determine all of this up front!


Oh ya but that mode has no epics but my mistake I think was going double sneak.

Ah the back to basics ruleset. That one is challenging! I don't know what I would've changed on your deck then. Double sneak is indeed a great way to go. His first snipe card also had 1 unit of armor so it's not like a sniper would've helped much. It just comes down to luck of the draw sometimes, they land an attack but your misses at the critical moment. Those battles are nail biters sometimes!