Playing Without Neutral Monsters - Splinterlands Live Battling #31

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

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Welcome to the newest Live Battling video from the awesome Splinterlands game! I was in the Diamond 3 league when I have recorded this video, and my daily quest was to win 3 battles without neutral monsters...

The first battle was relatively easy as my opponent had lower leveled card than me, so even I had a bad strategy, I have successfully finished the battle...

The second one was more interesting as the opponent had a promising battling history, and I had to change my strategy to fit his style... What happened? You will have to watch and see... ;)

Check out the video for more details... ;)

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

Splinterlands Live Battling 31.png


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uovte my post and i do same to you