Splinterlands: Investment Returns for Chaos Legion

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

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In this video we go over the differences in cost for the previous main editions of the Splinterlands booster packs, and what this could mean for the future of Chaos Legion. If you've purchased any crypto currencies or digital tokens previously, you will know that it's paramount to understand historic pricing as this can largely help us determine future pricing.

Lets take a look at some of the previous packs that have been released in Splinterlands and how their pricing stacks up, to see what could perhaps be possible for Chaos Legion.

The first packs released for Splinterlands were the alpha packs, and at the time there were only 300,000 of these packs dropped at $2 per pack. These packs are now $354.75 per pack which represents a 177x on investment.

Secondly we had Beta packs, and 900,000 of these were released on the market at $2 dollars a pack too. These packs are currently priced at $83.85 representing nearly a 42x on investment.

Next up we have the Untamed release, and 1.5 million of these packs were released to the market again for $2 per pack. They are currently sitting at $43.86 on the Hive-Engine representing over a 20x on investment.

Finally, we have the latest Chaos Legion release and general sale, for this, a total of 15 million packs will be sold @ $4 per pack.

After exploring the packs and their supply caps, we talk about the dichotomy of active users from past till present. We also go over the new abilities that are going to be game changing for the meta, as well as the latest legendary fiend cards.

What are your thoughts on Chaos Legion and purchase strategies for the general sale? And where can you see price going in 6 months to a year?

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Hey, great video and a nice analysis! I also like that the description is laid out so that even if I can't watch, I would be able to read the entire content!



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Always insightful cryptollama. Will feature/share this video in my Splinterlands Digest today.