Unleash the Power of the Black Dragon: A Closer Look at Splinterlands' Legendary Card

Black Dragon

Hi Gamer's,

Splinterlands is a blockchain-based collectible card game where players can battle each other using their unique decks of cards. Black Dragon is a legendary dragon card within the Splinterlands game.

According to the lore of Splinterlands, the Black Dragon of Mortis, also known as Korjack, is a powerful and unique dragon that has been convinced to sign the Dark Contract, a magical agreement that grants immense power and dark magic abilities to the signer.

Korjack is described as being much larger than any other living dragon in the game, which implies that he is physically imposing and incredibly powerful. This also suggests that he is a rare and valuable asset, as the size of a dragon is often considered to be indicative of its strength and potential in battle.

Despite his incredible power and size, Korjack has chosen not to pursue the ambition of ruling over all other dragons, which is something that many dragons would likely attempt given their naturally competitive and territorial nature. Instead, Korjack has chosen to focus on his own progress towards the Dark Eternity, which suggests that he is primarily interested in advancing his own dark magic abilities and knowledge.

The Dark Eternity is a mysterious concept in the Splinterlands lore, but it is hinted at being a state of being or existence that is achieved through the mastery of dark magic. It is possible that Korjack's pursuit of the Dark Eternity is tied to his decision to sign the Dark Contract, as this magical agreement is known to grant immense power and dark magic abilities to the signer.

Overall, the lore surrounding Korjack and the Black Dragon of Mortis is intriguing and adds depth to the world of Splinterlands. The fact that Korjack is the only dragon to have signed the Dark Contract and that he is focused on his own progress towards the Dark Eternity suggests that he is a unique and powerful figure within the game's mythology.

Splinterland blackdragon Magic Attack

The Black Dragon card in Splinterlands has a Magic attack, which is a type of attack that deals damage based on the card's Magic stat instead of its Melee or Ranged stats.

In the case of the Black Dragon, its Magic attack deals damage based on its high Magic stat, which is one of the highest among all the cards in the game. This means that the Black Dragon is particularly effective against enemies that have low Magic defense, as its Magic attack can deal a significant amount of damage.

However, it's worth noting that not all cards in Splinterlands have a Magic defense, so the effectiveness of the Black Dragon's Magic attack will depend on the specific cards it's facing. Additionally, some cards have abilities that can reduce the effectiveness of Magic attacks, such as the Magic Reflect ability, which reflects a portion of incoming Magic damage back to the attacker.

Overall, the Black Dragon's Magic attack is a powerful tool in battles, but its effectiveness will depend on the specific situation and the cards it's facing. Players must carefully consider the strengths and weaknesses of their cards when building their decks and strategizing for battles.

Characteristics of the Black Dragon card include

Rarity :Black Dragon is a legendary card, which means it is very rare and highly sought-after by players.

Element :Black Dragon belongs to the Dragon element in the game, which gives it special abilities and synergies with other Dragon cards.

Stats: Black Dragon has high stats in both attack and health, making it a formidable opponent in battles.

Abilities: Black Dragon has the Flying ability, which allows it to bypass ground-based defenses and attack directly. It also has the Blast ability, which deals splash damage to adjacent enemies.


Slow: Slow is an ability that some cards possess, which reduces the speed of enemy monsters. When a card with Slow attacks an enemy monster, that monster's speed is reduced by one for the duration of the battle. This means that the affected monster will act one turn later than it normally would, giving the player with the Slow card an advantage.


Life Leech : Life Leech is an ability that allows a card to regain health when it attacks. When a card with Life Leech attacks an enemy monster, it will regain a portion of the damage it dealt as health. This can be particularly useful for cards with high health and low damage, as it allows them to sustain themselves in battles.


Flying :Flying is an ability that allows a card to bypass ground-based defenses and attack directly. When a card with Flying attacks, it can ignore any ground-based defenses that the enemy may have, such as the Thorns ability or the Shield ability. This can be particularly useful for cards with high damage but low health, as they can attack without being blocked by the enemy's defenses.

Strategy: Black Dragon is a powerful card that can be used in a variety of strategies, such as as a tank or a damage dealer. However, its high mana cost means it may be difficult to play in some situations.

Overall, the Black Dragon card is a valuable asset to any Splinterlands player's collection, with its high rarity, strong stats, and powerful abilities making it a formidable card in battles.


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