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My (slightly late) Kulu Swimhunter post and my submission for the battle challenge this week, thanks for reading guys. Cheers, and hope you all are doing alright in these crazy times.


Twitter: ~~~ embed:1513983299495948290?s=20&t=OeNi0SdQSah9AxucHfEm1w twitter metadata:Y3J5cHRvbml1c3JleHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9jcnlwdG9uaXVzcmV4L3N0YXR1cy8xNTEzOTgzMjk5NDk1OTQ4MjkwfA== ~~~


Curated by @lenonmc21

Howdy @lenonmc21 I appreciated your comment on my post IMMENSELY (you are a life saver dude). No one has come out and told me that cross posting is spam before, and I've been on hive for over a year running the risk of being considered spam. I've gotten a lot of mixed info on crossposting from various people on hive and was wondering if you had any sort of media or tutorial that explains the more nuanced social aspects of hive that aren't really put forward to the majority of people entering the space. In short, is it ever ok to cross post? Should I just not cross post at all? Your help with this when you have the time would be amazing. I left a comment on my post, if you answer it there it would help not just me but all those who follow me and anyone else who reads the post. I don't want them to make the mistakes I have.

Don't worry, our job also as curators is to get the newer ones on the right path. And regarding cross-posting, the repercussions is that it may be labeled as SPAM. My recommendation would be, focus on a community of your niche of preference, for example, if you like games and want to publish about it, Hive Gaming, would be a good place, now, if for some reason you want to make publications in Oneup or Blockchin Gaming, it is best that, make a different post in each and evaluate the response or support in them, ideally, if for example you receive more support and value in Hive gaming, you should publish most of your posts in this without crossing any, so you make community and find your niche.