How I attained Gold 1 (2500 rating) with only 4000 power

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi everyone, hope you are well! This is my first article here and I'm very excited to share my knowledge about Splinterlands with all of you.

In this post, I will be sharing my collection of rented cards that got me through to Gold 1 with only a limited amount of power. I believe that this guide is good for all newcomers because it breaks the myth that only pros and profit from the game.

I have rented a total of 17 cards for a day, which cost me about 1050 DEC. Although that amount of DEC may seem like a lot, you will earn it back in no time. Furthermore, as you progress up the league, you would have more daily chests to open (if you're in gold, you get to open 7 chests when you complete a quest), which gives you much more than what you invested in.

Before I talk about some cards that I have rented, I would just like to briefly talk about my strategy. Every time I rent a deck, I will focus only on one element and get some neutrals that complement my deck. I will also get a dragon summoner in case my chosen element is banned in certain games. The reason I only rent one element is due to my budget constraints, but you are always free to rent cards in other elements (don't forget to rent the summoner too!)

This is my breakdown of the summoners and neutrals that I have rented. I will be highlighting some cards that are deceptively powerful. Keep in mind that I will be focusing on Gold League level limits (8,6,5,3), but if you're in Silver, these cards can still work equally well.

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No. 1: Gelatinous Cube

If you have never used this card before and you're in Silver/Gold league, I highly recommend you to try using this card. At level 6 onwards, it has two abilities: Scavanger (Gains 1 max health each time any monster dies) and Heal (Restore a portion of its own HP). Pair it up with a monster that has a Tank Heal ability and Gelationus Cube becomes unstoppable. If the game mode allows it, gelatinous cube will always be your undisputable tank.

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Special Mention: Centaur

Neutral monsters in low level gameplay are just a waste of mana. Monsters like Manatoid, Cyclops and Centaur don't really have much of an impact in the game, and you probably used those cards only as a filler. However, in higher levels where neutral monsters start to level up, they start to bring a huge impact on the game. Take Centaur for example. At level 8, it has 3 attack and 5 health. More importantly, it has the Snipe ability, which easily breaks the opponents' backline monsters. Pair it up with Selena Sky and watch the magic happen.

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Next, these are the light monsters that I have rented.

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No. 1: Baby Unicorn

This is a snapshot of a level 8 baby unicorn. Once the baby unicorn reaches level 6, it has two spells: Strengthen (HP buff for your team) and Swiftness (Speed buff for your team), which makes this card an extremely powerful card. A 3 mana double buff for your team? Who would say no!
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No. 2: Peacebringer

Peacebringer is an absolutely underrated card in the low levels. Although it is a vanilla card (it does not have any abilities), it has one of the best 4 mana stats in the game (2 attack 3 speed and 4 health). I got the level 5 version because the level 6 one was a little bit too expensive at that time, but you can see how powerful a level 6 Peacebringer is. A 4 attack card can easily decimate any tank out there, even with a shield. I would totally recommend this card although the rental is quite expensive (but worth it).

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Special Mention: Divine Healer

I did not highlight Divine Healer because I assumed that you would know how powerful and mandatory it is. However, I would just like to reiterate its importance in the game. Divine Healer is extremely powerful because of its low cost and its 2 game-changing ability, Tank Heal (Heal the first monster in the team) and Slow (Reduce the speed of the opponent monsters). In addition, Divine Healer also has 1 magic, further increasing its worth!

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Feel free to copy what I rent and let me know how it worked out for you! If you do not have enough DEC, just get the cards that I have specifically mentioned in this post. Also, if you want to learn more, I have made a more in-depth video here.

Thank you for reading! I have a lot of content that I want to post, especially guides for the newcomers. If you like my content, follow me for more and leave an upvote!



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Using these rentals along with some other Death splinter cards that I had, was able to push to diamond this season. You weren't kidding about the Cube, it's a menace! Thanks for the 40 chests!

Glad this guide helped! I just got to Diamond 3 last season too. No problem and hope you get to Champion League in the near future!