The 1st half of October splinterlands season rewards and how I aim to tackle the future

in Splinterlands3 years ago

So I finished in the sliver 1 league with a nice finish and the rewards I got were not bad as seen below

daily pic 1.png

Daliy pic 2.png

So you can’t argue when you get some nice cards to level up and get some power boosts

Now I’m back to bronze 1 and trying to get back into the sliver league asap for the better chest wins and better dec.
Now unlike most players who are holding dec for the slight extra SPS I’m trying to ensure a better fighting deck so I’m buying as many cheap cards as I can and I’m particular aiming for the new rewards series.
the reason for this is simple, as they are earned thorough quest they are in great quantity so therefore they go for a cheap price, I’m able to pick them up for $0.14-$0.17 at the moment, now when the pool start drying out in the long run this will create a short squeeze that will only get bigger as more players enter and look to get some more, so it would be a surprise if these cards are worth double or even triple in the coming months, and I want to ensure I got a couple of lvl10 cards in my pocket.
Now this might not give me as many sps points in the air drops in the short term, but the collection power will help me get back into the higher leagues and when chao deck come out and some of the less popular card come in, I reckon there will be again some cheap cards to buy and level up to 10 and I want to be ready to pick up bargains and gain some collection power.
Long term I want to get a deck that worthy of the champion league and be up there with the legends and hope for the best.

I hope you are a little richer then you were yesterday


Good post @dadspardan I dont disagree with you about collection power, everybody needs it. I will say that I'd be calculating out the best cards for the power per price that I could. Lots of information to take in. Like the SPS airdrop points for collection power, DEC, and of course the market value of each.


Here's some !PIZZA and some !LUV


thank you for the pizza and luv,
it a mixture of the pattern i have seen particular with rewards cards, and the cheap one when no more are in circulation they go up in price :)







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nice prizes

Exactly but could always do with more. So back to the power grind ;)


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