Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: Splinterlands 6 Year Anniversary!

in Splinterlands29 days ago

Source: Splinterlands

It is always a pleasure to talk about Splinterlands, I consider that it is valuable to make an analysis and set goals within this wonderful NFT game. On this occasion, I have returned with some goals accomplished and with new objectives that I will tell you later in this publication.

How did I know about Splinterlands?


Since a long time ago I have seen advertisement about Splinterlands, but unfortunately I didn't register, but after the migration to Hive I started to see some publications about the game, at that time I already had an account in Hive. For that reason it became easier for me to join the game, from my perspective I feel that little time has passed since 2021 😅. Since that date I fell in love with the game, mainly because it increases the competitive spirit, besides that we can apply some aspects in real life, like keeping ourselves in constant learning, adapting to any environment, being patient, until we achieve our goals.

When I started in Splinterlands and how much time I dedicated to it.


According to my Splinterlands profile the registration date was July 2021, I must also admit between 2021 and 2022 I also spent several months without playing, but after that I have not stopped, and I have played constantly. It has been a path full of learning and a lot of effort. Normally I have used basic strategies and reward cards, but I have also added specific legendary cards to stand out, although I rent cards, I also like to have my own cards that allow me to obtain the triumph.

Splinterlands is very addictive and changing, as you always have to adapt and spend time to improve and get a good performance. Sometimes the time goes unnoticed, but in rentals I can spend many minutes per week to improve my deck of cards, probably the day I made the rentals I can spend up to 1 hour or more looking for frequent cards and others of new editions.

On top of that, I can spend almost an hour a day putting together my strategy for all the battles. And it can even be more time, depending on the amount of battles available or adding clan battles and tournaments. The total daily average adding clan battles, tournaments, leagues, rentals and token transfer is about one hour and thirty minutes daily.

Achievements and goals.


A couple of years ago my goal was to reach higher leagues, and in recent seasons I managed to advance to the Diamond league, but I decided to stop to devote time to lower leagues of modern mode, from that moment I could realize the great difficulty that represents the modern mode, no doubt the level has increased in the last season.

For me, it has been an achievement or feat to reach higher leagues, but currently my goal is to try to get the best performance in the modern league and move up to the gold league. Another goal that is almost a reality is to reach the final league of the wild mode. My goals are to accumulate Glint in wild mode, since I am in a top league, and in modern mode I want to try to maximize my SPS gains, but it has already been a real challenge in modern mode. On the other hand, my desire is to improve my deck by increasing my level of cards.

Tips for participants.

I consider myself an average player, I do not think I am an expert, but I could share some tips with new players. The first advice is to invest in your deck, but you must consciously create appropriate strategies. For this, it is necessary to experiment and try to understand Splinterlands, so it will be possible to learn to have a mastery over other players.

Learning to master the game involves understanding the skills and conditions of the battles, as well as finding the best combinations of cards. You have to be smart to be able to grow in Splinterlands. Don't make the mistake I made, as I invested in some cards and bought them above their value, also by mistake I burned some cards 😥. It is better to ask or find a teacher and ask so you don't make mistakes.


Splinterlands registration referral link

The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



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6 years a long time for splinterlands. Many more years to come

Hello friend.

Yes it is many years, let's hope it will be many more. Every year is different and with new goals. Thanks for commenting. Regards.



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