in Splinterlands8 months ago

Up to Eleven.png


The ruleset for this week's challenge


  • Up to Eleven - All units have the Amplify ability

The ruleset that I managed to get


  • Rulesets - Up to Eleven & Odd Ones Out
  • Mana Cap - 24
  • Active Elements - image.png


Here's my starting lineup

Summoner: Lorna Shine

  • With this weeks challenge the specific summoners you would like to go with are Lir Deepswimmer, Mylor Crowling, Ilthain or Owater Rotwell
  • All of these summoners give either a Thorns, Return Fire or Magic Reflect to all for your monsters which paired with Amplify is so strong
  • In my case I only had Mylor Crowling who I could have picked but as only Light element was active I went with Lorna Shine
1st Position: Drybone Barbarian

  • Drybone Barbarian was my main tank for this battle
  • Main reason I like Drybone Barbarian here a lot is because how tanky he is
  • Enrage - This unit has increased Melee attack and Speed when damaged
2nd Position: Uraeus

  • Love this card so much because of how many stats you get for low mana
  • For 3 mana you get 2 melee damage (with Sneak), 2 speed, 1 armor and 2 hp
  • Sneak - Targets the last unit on the enemy Team instead of the first unit
3rd Position: Stitch Leech

  • Another low mana cost melee monster with Sneak
  • For 3 mana you get 2 damage (with Sneak), 2 speed and 4 hp
  • Sneak - Targets the last unit on the enemy Team instead of the first unit
4th Position: Truthspeaker

  • Next up in line is this lovely card with no attack but super great ability
  • Protect - All friendly units gain +2 Armor
5th Position: Divine Healer

  • And for last but not least a wonderful healer card
  • Love this card so much because how cheap she is
  • Tank Heal - Restores a portion of the unit in the first position's health each round


Starting board


  • The starting board didn't really say anything about how the battle might end
  • The only way to find out was to start the battle


Here's how the battle went

1st Round


  • After 1st Round the board looked almost the same
  • At this point I felt like a had a bit of a lead on my enemy but let's see
2nd Round


  • 2nd Round was big for my enemy and I was starting to get a little worried
  • But luckily I still had my Drybone Barbarian alive
3rd Round


  • The 3rd Round was huge for me
  • And at that point I was 100% sure I was going to win this battle
4th Round


  • Now there was just one monster left on my enemies side
  • Just a simple cleanup job
5th Round


  • It took me just 1 turn to kill my enemies last standing monster
  • After hes Uraeus had fallen I took the victory
  • Battle Replay Link



  • This battle was definitely closer than I would've liked but still fun to watch
  • Sadly my battle didn't really let me use these rulesets to their full potential
  • If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral


Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121