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RE: VULGUINE - this new reward monster can be very useful

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for taking us through the feelings of EOS with the help of your writing. I liked how you added "important points" heading.

I was recently asked by a fellow hiver do I read blogs as my comments are sometimes too connected with the blogs xD

Just for a funny explaination to you and readers of this comment:

Personally for me, I have started this season from the lowest league Novice and till now, I have success reached and playing in Diamond I.

Have?? Has??
Success? Successfully?

I know gaming writers and readers are fun loving people but still using grammarly once doesn't bite xD

Jokes aside, here is your well deserved !1UP
(Humour, stats, battle what more I can ask for?,🤞 for splinterlands account visit to this post. Good Luck, Hehe)


You caught me.. thanks for the dedicated reading my friend 🫶🏻

My pleasure