My journey...

in Splinterlands2 years ago

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Hello splinterfam!!! 😁 I am @domigaming07 . I've been playing splinterlands for so long but apparently, this is my first time posting here. This is a re-upload post because my first upload was a bit messy. And I only tried it for a bit experiment, but now I know how to make my blog look nice and clean. So...

There is going to be a lot of new strategies and such in this game. My current goal is to be in the DIAMOND LEADERBOARDS in WILD RANKED. But my goal here, is to share you some strategies that I learned and I will be learning in my coming battle.

I hope you guys gain at least a bit from me. And I really really hope to be with you in my journey here.😬

But now, as per my introduction, lemme share the rewards I got from the last season.

I will also be doing a little give away soon! Thank y'all splinterfam!!!

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