Social media challenge - a battle to share.

in Splinterlands2 years ago


Hello everyone. Welcome to the social media challenge for this week. I have some ideas in my head I would to share with you, but this week I want to share this battle that I liked.
A funny thing happened to me last week at Share Your Battle weekly challenge. The challenge was for SCAVO FIREBOLT but I thought it was about SCAVO HIRELING. But I decided to keep the battle I wrongly played because it was great. I hope you will enjoy it.

Which element did I use?

Actually, these days I am using the water element too much. Its monsters are too strong. The summoner KELYA FRENDUL is very helpful with +1 armor and +1 speed.

My strategy:

When you play with WATER element, the best choise to use as a tank is:
And I chose in the second position to help my tank:
So, do they need more help? Yes of cours.
I used this to heal my tank. 👇
And SCAVO HIRELING because I thought that was the themed card in share your battle challenge, and to give my tank some new armors.
Also I had a sneak quest, and I chose this monster.
Finally, I thought that the opponent may use some monsters with sneak ability, so I used ICE PIXIE to avoid those attacks and hit the opponent's tank from distance.

Battle highlights:

You can watch it from this link:

Let's begin: 🔥🔥

_My opponent used the DEATH element with the summoner THADDIUS BROOD to make my monsters lose -1 health, and my magicians lose -1 attack. _



DJINN OSHANNUS started the battle and hit the opponent's tank, then SERPENT OF ELD attacked it as ICE PIXIE did. URAEUS hit the opponent's rear by using sneak ability. SERPENT OF ELD evades an attack by CURSED WINDEKU, SCAVO HIRELING gives my tank +2 armor, and the UNDAED BADGER attacks ICE PIXIE to make it without shield before SILENT SHA-VI eliminate it. LIFE SAPPER AND DHAMPIR STALKER hit SERPENT OF ELD strongly, but SOUL STRANGLER failed with that.



CURSED WINDEKU was weak at this round, so it git eliminated by DJINN OSHANNUS and SERPENT OF ELD. URAEUS still attacking DHAMPIR STALKER. MERDAALI GUARDIAN and SCAVO HIRELING are still helping SERPENT OF ELD that took a hit by SILENT SHA-VI and LIFE SAPPER, and UNDAEAD BADGER attacked URAEUS. DHAMPIR STALKER eliminates SERPENT OF ELD, so DJINN OSHANNUS became my tank.

ROUND 3, 4, 5, 6:

No thing new happend, same attacks and no monster got eliminated in round 3&4. But in round 5, URAEUS eliminated DHAMPIR STALKER. In round 6 no monster got eliminated again.


DJINN OSHANNUS eliminates SILENT SHA-VI, URAEUS eliminates SOUL STRANGLER, UNDAEAD BADGER becomes a tank and hit DJINN OSHANNUS as LIFE SAPPER also did, but with no effect because the VIOD ability.

ROUND 8,9,10:

_ DJINN OSHANNUS eliminates UNDAEAD BADGER and LIFE SAPPER becomes a tank face-to-face with DJINN OSHANNUS and recieves an attack by URAEUS. And the battle continued like this until LIFE SAPPER was eliminated by DJINN OSHANNUS._


My opinion:

Sometimes I get pessimistic when my opponent uses the element of death, but in this battle I won thanks to my correct selection and arrangement of cards. SCAVO HIRELING was very useful and helped my tanks and URAEUS to hold against my opponent's attack. So, I think I will use this card more in the future.

That was a good battle of mine I wanted to share with you in the social media challenge.

Good luck to all of you.


Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27

Good battle and good strategy with water element