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RE: Cerberus in the Moonlight - My Week 157 Art Contest for Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Very nice work! & thanks for the mention. I wonder if you are minting these as NFTs and if not, why not? lol go apply for whitelist on for meme nft minting, for splinterlands pre-movie card nft collectables or to


Thanks very much, I am pretty in line with this Movie idea of urs, It's gonna be epic!. I never really knew about the minting, but now I'm def gonna check it out.

when your cards sell for thousands don't forget me!

lol ofc, you were the light that directed me after all. I might not have discovered these platforms for another couple months, who knows?

I am old, what is ofc? lol glad I could help, maybe someday you need help counting your money :D

xD,, ofc means of course. I hope I don't get that dumb while being rich, I might lose money faster than I made it

And before you ask, xD means lol too