SPLINTERLANDS Weekly Challenge - Chaos Knight from a bronze perspective

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Splinterlands Chaos Knight Challenge Thumbnail.png


Hey guys, today I'm going to be talking about Chaos Knight for the weekly challenge, I have recently started and am still in the lower leagues :(

As a new player to SPLINTERLANDS I am still learning the game mechanics and have not had the best luck with the Life Summoners. Besides the first few days getting absolutely destroyed when I tried them out, I only really use them when attempting to complete the daily quests.


The challenge posted by SPLINTERLANDS is to use Chaos Knight, a common card from the Chaos legion set. I don't own the card and use the level 1 version that is available to everyone.

Personally, I thought the card was a bit weaker than some of the other tanks.
  • Shield ability means less damage from range and melee attacks
  • Shield of 3 is not bad
  • Con's
  • Low HP(4) for a tank
  • Low Attack and Speed(2)

The 2 abilities learnt later on seem very strong and could be very useful

  • Giant Killer, which double damage against targets that cost 10 or more manor. My current level I don’t think it would be that beneficial but think higher levels it could get more use (pure speculation on my part)
  • Inspire, which increases friendly monster’s melee attack by +1


My current battle strategy is to try take out the enemies’ backline with units with the snipe or opportunity skills and range units.

The mana pool for the fight was 29 and at novice and bronze levels most of the opponents I go up against seem to favour the Death and Fire elements.

With this in mind and I kept my strategy but decided to add 2 support units in order to stack more shields onto my tank (and all units thanks to truthspeaker) and to try heal any shields the tank would lose each round.

Battle lineup.PNG

Battle Result

6 attacks missed Spark pixies :(

Key factors

It was closer than I would have liked with 6 misses on the enemies Spark Pixies unit, but besides that I was pretty happy with my line-up

  • Truthspeaker shield meant that Stitch Leech was able to do lots of work
  • Fire elementals blast ability is very annoying but I will definitely play around with it more


My team
Truthspeaker providing shield for the whole team and was clutch to the victory
I almost put SPARK PIXIES here because of all the misses but ultimately TENYII takes it for the devastation he caused to my backline


In summary I was happy with team performance but not with the fact I had to make so many changes to pull this off. I tried similar earlier and magic units were able to defeat my line-up no problem.

Any comments or feedback on my strategy, tips for new players or blogging is appreciated.

You can watch the full battle here

All images rights belong to splinterlands

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